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Is anyone willing to review a legal b2b SaaS piece within the next hour or two? I'd be super grateful!
Drop me a message and I'll share the gdoc link!
Thank you :)

I’d love your feedback on a draft I’ve just written.
Title: 9 Experts Share Insights on How to Create High-Converting Landing Pages Using Competitor Analysis.
Is there anyone who wants to read and give feedback?

This will be a cold email/message to exceptionally honest marketers: ---
Subject: How do you evaluate the honesty of marketers?
I asked on Superpath Slack channel about marketers who are exceptionally honest and your name was recommended. The reason I asked : My skillset pushed me to marketing (research and writing) ,however, I feel uneasy with the promotional aspect esp. because it’s almost expected sometimes that you’ll give a skewed picture of the topic to fit the business goal. So now, I want to establish stronger relationships with exceptionally honest people who were able to navigate marketing seas without compromising this value.
I'd like to ask you: Do you have any litmus tests for honesty? Here is one that I use but I'd like to hear if you have others in mind : "Who are the people you would refer to someone else rather than take on as clients?" They get credibility points if their answer reveals that they understand the limits of their service.
The Most Regards You’ve Ever Been Sent

@Gobi Dasu this channel is for writing feedback. pls move to <#C012AUSC85C|>

Love some feedback on this article - Here's our guide on the best best tools and applications for inbound lead generation: 👇

@Sheriff Subair you might appreciate this article from Farnam Street that explores a similar concept in a different context:

I really love your color scheme and the theme of your services. A few thoughts:
• The frozen navigation menu limited the space I had to consume your content.
• Your headshots were pixelated. So you need to upload higher resolution photos.
• Your font sizes were too large in some areas, making it hard to follow.

In the U.S., "guys" is pretty gender neutral.
Not for the Slackbot, I guess.

Would anyone be interested in looking at a legal b2b SaaS piece? I'm still learning and I'd love your inputs :)

Hello everyone.
I just published a post on Medium about how SaaS companies can achieve radical differentiation without being category creators.
I’d appreciate every feedback I get. Here the link:
Thanks 😊

Hello all,
I'm working on my first blog article for a SaaS Startup based out of Australia. There's been a lot of back-and-forth revisions and restructuring, but I have the gut feeling that a look from a senior writer/editor will help produce that polished final version.
Here's a comments only link to the google doc:
I'd really appreciate your feedback, thanks in advance.

Awesome! It's called stuff-you-wrote

Hey everyone, i am struggling to write how Infrastructure as Code works in short. Do any have experience in writing in this niche? Can you proofread one paragraph if it is correct? 🙂

To all my writers, I wanted to know if there were any writing groups that you knew of or were part of. I am working on scripting my first official short and would love to bounce off ideas with other writers as I am still new to the process. Or even if that meant forming one with people who were interested, I'm open to all possibilities! ✨

I'm creating a LinkedIn Newsletter/email newsletter about the interesting things I find. It's called "Rabbit Holes and Hidden Gems". My fields are research, psychology, education and learning so the items are expected to be from these worlds. I'm likely to include other items I find interesting from other worlds every now and then. You never know what you find down a rabbit hole. Here’s the inspiration behind the newsletter, this will be the first introductory edition in Linkedin.

My bad.
Hello everyone!

Hi Guys!
Wrote this article on LinkedIn about a Fintech & stock broker Unicorn company in India - Zerodha.
They have revolutionised the digital tech in their app and integration.
Attaching the link here and waiting for your feedback. Thank you guys!
Link -

I just finished drafting a blog post meant to educate SaaS companies on how to combat churn through using content.
Anyone up for giving it a read? I'd love some feedback.

Cheers! And good luck with the 'cast 🙂

What's up everybody?
I just re did the homepage for my copywriting business and I'd love your feedback.
Don't hold back... You don't have to read everything word for word, though. Just give me a general idea of your first impressions.
Be brutal!😊
Thanks all!

Thank you very much Jordy. I appreciate it! I edited the piece based on your feedback and those of others. I hope it has a better flow now:)

From marketing point of view, you have to reinforce emotional buying decision with logic. So that ball is in your coat 😁

Just unleashed my 5-year content marketing experience at
let me know what you think!