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James Sowers December 06, 2020 at 03:00 PM


I'm doing 3 free conversion-focused website reviews tomorrow. Would love to see your site included!


Radek Zaleski October 30, 2020 at 10:57 AM

I started a trend 😂

Erik Dietrich October 27, 2020 at 04:20 PM

I feel like that's more views than everything I've ever done on LinkedIn, combined 😄

Radek Zaleski October 27, 2020 at 04:19 PM

also tons of jobs offers (😂 ) and some leads

Radek Zaleski October 27, 2020 at 04:19 PM

+25k views already

Erik Dietrich October 27, 2020 at 04:19 PM

I could see that. Makes sense, thanks.

Radek Zaleski October 27, 2020 at 04:15 PM

Erik, hard to tell. Initial storytelling was easy, but with iterations, I believe it took about 5h

Erik Dietrich October 27, 2020 at 01:41 PM

How long did it take to put that together? The format is pretty engaging, from a friction (or lack thereof) perspective. Almost like clicking through an image carousel

Alex Panagis October 25, 2020 at 08:01 AM

Really like this format – kept me going the whole way through. Congrats on the move to Netguru Partner 👏

Also: I agree, Canva really is great!

Radek Zaleski October 23, 2020 at 04:32 PM

Closing to 20k

Jordy Fujiwara October 23, 2020 at 03:10 PM

@Radek Zaleski how's it looking 24h later? 🙂

Radek Zaleski October 22, 2020 at 03:59 PM

I posted really hacky post on LI, would to hear professional feedback from content experts: https://www.linkedin.com/posts/radekzaleski_personal-news-activity-6725061151731814400-tZmk

Cara Hogan October 16, 2020 at 01:14 PM

So she's doing full time marketing for our B2C app, including managing social and writing content. She's a former weather reporter and is AMAZING

Joei Chan October 16, 2020 at 09:54 AM

is this person doing full time TikTok/ social or what kind of profile is she?? I need someone like her in my team!!

Joei Chan October 16, 2020 at 09:53 AM

this is amazing @Cara Hogan

Cara Hogan October 13, 2020 at 05:49 PM

Ha thanks. Luckily it's not taking up much time 🙂

Cara Hogan October 09, 2020 at 06:54 PM

Soooo my company is testing out TikTok! I'm half dying laughing, half excited. Let me know what you all think about the concept: https://www.tiktok.com/@weather_woman

Alicia Johnston August 05, 2020 at 11:39 PM

Wondering if anyone else would be interested in a channel to talk about diversity, equity and inclusion in content--both in our field as professionals (recruiting, culture, pay equity etc) and within the actual content outputs we are producing (representation, experts we’re showcasing, etc). DEI is a huge focus at my company and within my team but I’d love to speak to other people who are focused on content marketing about the specific intersections of DEI with our work.

Aazar August 02, 2020 at 01:51 PM

Looking for some candid feedback on my podcast -- it's related to growth marketing stories. It's not hacking, rather more the mindsets. I'd love to get some feedback. Please comment in the thread so I could reach out 🙂 Don't want to spam here.

Radek Zaleski July 30, 2020 at 05:44 PM

Is this newsletter really cool or am I lying on LinkedIn and I will end up in hell?


Brendan Hufford June 11, 2020 at 02:49 AM

Thanks for your generosity in explaining it @Erica Famojure A..

Brendan Hufford June 11, 2020 at 02:49 AM

GREAT catch

Jimmy Daly (Superpath) June 08, 2020 at 09:07 PM

in the survey results i published today, i wanted to see how white people vs people who are not white felt about their salaries. i used the term “non-white” but this doesn’t feel right. tbh, i’m not sure the correct term and would like to ask for input. i think it’s important that we look for and talk about salary discrepancies, so i want to find language that is clear + inclusive. i’m very open to feedback on this.

Eliot Miller June 02, 2020 at 08:22 PM

I would like to still have a general channel.

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