
I posted really hacky post on LI, would to hear professional feedback from content experts:

I read through the whole thing. It was a nice departure from the typical LinkedIn post that feeds you a story line by line.
Clever way to get around the 1300 chara limit.
And it was well written, which keeps the swipability high. Obviously some good design sense throughout, which further helps.
Sales pitch/slight twist at the end didn’t bother me as much as it might have without the chunky, candid story preceding it.
I’ve seen other slide based content posts on LI before, but this one has been both the most ambitious and well produced. I’m also curious if the algo responds to it :) ~ may have to test it out myself too!

I'm curious about the format — what did you use for building your slides?

We are using Canva, it is great

It allows you to animate stuff too

Jordy, thanks for this feedback!

No problem 🙂

Algos say 2500 views per hour or so now. My record is 200k views total.