PLEASE READ! To post a job, please start here: <https://superpath.co/jobs> All listings will be posted by our job bot and other posts will be removed (very politely). Thank you!
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from superpath

Or from the agency directly?

Will I get an email from Superpath if they're interested in interviewing?

which is an agency, and this is for one of their clients

it's one of our marketplace customers

No company info? Seems an odd decision. I'd be interested if I knew who I was working for.



Quits job to become a test at

Never clicked so fast...

Dream role

Also, the jobs link needs to go here, I think:
. Currently, it's defaulting to the page with job listing tiers for prospective clients.

Whoops haha

Booming industry! Infinite job growth year over year

I’ve always wanted to work as a wqdqwd 🚀

Great opportunity! @Jimmy Daly (Superpath), assuming this is you?

sorry about that!

ruh roh

Thanks @Sparker! We moved the job board

@Jimmy Daly (Superpath) the bot needs an update 😁

FYI these are all 404s when I clicked just now

That would be a cool job for someone

@Mr.Abaid.Seo Superpath doesn’t allow this type of content. Please delete your posts regarding this — also, this channel is only for the Superpath Job Bot.

I have no technical experience to speak of, however, I am willing to be your CTO, Haru.
We can do this together.