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Hi all! I'm in Denver, on the south side of Sloan's Lake... and am always down for IRL meetups 🙂 If anyone wants to cowork at a coffee shop/brewery, hit up happy hour, or something else, let's make it happen!

Arvada area here!

Hey friends! I'm up in Loveland. Any other NoCo folks in here?

Just joined this channel and happy to meet and reacquaint with fellow ColoRADans.


I should say - Based in Denver during the week, near Breckenridge most weekends

Heyo! In Denver. Was way too cold this weekend.

hi from Eldorado Springs! Where it’s no longer -13, but is currently blowing sideways at 40 mph😊

👋 hey team!

i think the coldest i've ever experienced in colorado

we gotta fix that!

oh wait no one is here lol

hi everyone!

@Emily Holland

Looks like Rayback Collective is the winner! So let's plan on our next Colorado content meetup being on July 21 at 4 p.m. at Rayback Collective in Boulder. See you all then! 🍻

I can also confirm both Avanti and Rosetta Hall are solid! Dushanbe is great for a meal/experience too!

Where would you prefer to meet for our July 21st meetup?

It’s looking like July 21st will be the best option for our next meetup. Next question is where should we meet. I think my favorite two options are Acreage in Lafayette or Rayback Collective in Boulder.
Of those two options, do you have a preference?

Rayback Collective is great!

I'm not 100% sure of my July travel schedule yet, but I'll try to make whatever date works for everyone else!
For Boulder spots that are good for groups, there's Rayback Collective (same founders as Improper City so similar-ish vibes). I've heard good things about Rosetta Hall but haven't been there, same with Avanti. Dushanbe Teahouse is also super duper cool and unique, it's a beautiful space with
.So many Boulder options! Anyone else has any other ideas?

The 21st works for me!

Thinking ahead to another meetup, would July 14 or 21 work for you all? Same time? I was thinking we could try @Megan Hettwer’s suggestion of Acreage in Lafayette. Unless anyone has another idea! I wouldn’t mind doing some more exploring in Boulder if anyone knows of a good spot in Boulder

Fun times! Let's meet up again soon

Anyone else here?