Hashem ElAssad's Profile

Hashem ElAssad
Recent Messages
#general - January 10, 2025 at 12:47 PM
Cool list of publishers who offer a $1 per word compensation! Some of them were even 2$ (so "hi? how are you doing?!" would be 10$😂😂)
#general - December 20, 2024 at 06:24 AM
Hello everyone! I wrote an unpublished article (24 pages with images) about the importance of finding case studies in your content. It's called "An In-Depth Case for Cases: Why Stories Protect You From Becoming the Laughingstock of the Embarrassing “Give Me an Example” Questions". Any suggestions for who would be interested in publishing it?
#freelance-gigs - November 15, 2024 at 06:35 AM
I think have both inclinations in me so that's why I'm conflicted (the researchers wants to get it right and the writer wants to excite the reader)😂😂 I call it the Analyst-Wordsmith trade-off or "Freezing Fire; Sizzling Snow"
#promo - November 14, 2024 at 09:29 AM
@Tom Rudnai do you still need feedback? I can book a slot if so
#promo - November 14, 2024 at 09:14 AM
The hyperomniacs will love this ! @Torinmo
#promo - November 14, 2024 at 09:10 AM
@Edan Ben-Atar does it do bulk shortening for multiple links at the same time?
#intros - November 14, 2024 at 09:01 AM
@Jef van de Graaf have you tried kindle scribe or remarkable for note taking? I can't live without it
#intros - November 14, 2024 at 08:56 AM
"professional husband"😂😂😂 I wanna use it.. I'm not married... but still ... @Sasha
#freelance-gigs - November 14, 2024 at 08:32 AM
hi @Laurie For unique content examples, please check my article "10 Times Scientists Admitted They Were Wrong, and What You Can Learn from Them"
#freelance-gigs - November 14, 2024 at 08:27 AM
@Nadine Heir "Research is probably the weakest skill in most content writers so hard to pinpoint someone who's actually amazing at it. 😢" This is a very very very interesting line to me.... Can you elaborate please? I've always had a hard time deciding whether to go with the term "researcher" or "writer" for myself... I often use both... but my portfolio has a lot of written publications but not a lot of pure research projects... so there has been some miscommunication about what the word "researcher" means in my case... though I want to get more and more into the research side of things,,,,anyhow... would love to see you elaborate more on this bit
#general - November 11, 2024 at 08:09 AM
Is there any content that you searched for but couldn't find? or found after a lot of research? or planning to find but haven't yet started searching?
Tell me more about the content you're searching for.
I'm asking because I'm thinking of positioning myself as the "content finder" so I want to see if there's a need for that.
#freelance-gigs - October 27, 2024 at 10:45 AM
@Jenny Cahill-Jones Hi Jenny! DMd you for Arabic-English.
#CJE3XC0H3-announcements - October 22, 2024 at 04:38 PM
@Eric Doty (Superpath) Yo yo you! the link for the freelance writer (data science) shows climate tech... I'm assuming it's not longer available?
#promo - June 10, 2024 at 12:21 PM
"I was wrong".
Why are these three words so hard for the human tongue? This question has fascinated for a very long time…. Talk about the importance of integrity is common in intellectual circles but actual cases that demonstrate that are much harder to find. Alas, it turns out scientists are human too…
Two years ago, I started collecting those noteworthy cases where intellectuals and scientists admitted mistakes in public. My hope that such compilations can help in building and understanding a healthy culture about admitting mistakes, especially in intellectual circles. I finally published 10 Times Scientists Admitted They Were Wrong and What You Can Learn from Them
at Spencer Greenberg's Clearer Thinking.
Take a look and get in touch if this topic interests you:) #intellectualhonesty #scientists #wrong #cases #rationality #casestudies #intellectuals #ego
#content-collab - June 09, 2024 at 01:35 PM
I'm researching how stories/cases/examples impact people and/or help them learn. Looking for stories about someone coming across/studying a story /case/ example that impacted them in a strong way. I'm especially interested in the following types of impact: 1- Acquiring a nuanced view that protects the person from oversimplification 2- Bridging the gap between theory and practice. 3- A eureka moment (innovative solution,etc) ... Feel free to reach out even if the impact doesn't quite fall under those .
Potential places where this might be published: My Linkedin Newsletter ( ), a book I'm co-writing with Eithiriel DeMere on Language Market fit.
#general - May 23, 2024 at 10:58 AM
Hi everyone
any tools that would suggest related keywords based on a group of keywords rather than a single seed keyword? For example, my input would be something like this
(Psychology, linguistics, evidence, conversion copywriting).
It would be even better if I can specify that it would only search for related keywords but not derivative keywords (for Example, it would return “sociology” but not “marketing psychology” as it the keyword psychology is already found in the seed input.
Anything that comes to mind?
#content-collab - April 29, 2024 at 04:23 PM
Hi Nadine! So yeah this would fall under the rubric and I'm interested in hearing more out of curiosity but probably would like something more markety or educational for the actual book/article
#content-collab - April 29, 2024 at 02:23 PM
Hi everyone!
I'm doing some research on how stories/case studies can be used as educational tools... so looking for actual examples of a good idea/inspiration/clearer understanding that came about as a result of reading case studies/stories/examples. Anything comes to mind (either your own or someone else's)? Might use this in an article I want to pitch to Copy Hackers and/or book that I'm co-writing with Eitheriel Demere on language market-fit and/or my Linkedin newsletter: Rabbit Holes & Hidden Gems
#general - June 07, 2023 at 11:53 AM
@Jekoniah Thank you!
#general - June 07, 2023 at 11:52 AM
@Koa Elder I thought about that but since the person who offers the feedback won't be mentioned in the piece, I reckoned it's not really a content collab item
#general - June 04, 2023 at 01:02 PM
Hi, looking for feedback on my LinkedIn newsletter edition before I publish it. It's called "Neurofeedback: A solution for stopping me from involuntarily shouting gibberish (tics)" where I tackle
1-what is neurofeedback
2- how it helped me get rid of tics and improved my sleep
3- How I cam across it?
4- Why is it a hidden gem?
You can directly comment or edit.
#content-collab - May 26, 2023 at 06:11 PM
@Katarina Andrejevic (Userlist) Hi Katarina, yeah a couple of paragraphs would work. You can reach me at
or through Linkedin#content-collab - May 22, 2023 at 04:03 PM
Writing a book chapter on Customer interviews. I'm looking for case studies where customer interviews lead to changing marketing copy (preferably in SAAS).
#general - May 10, 2023 at 05:30 PM
Can you share with me any examples/case studies where the company was speaking in a different way from how the intended customers were speaking?
I’m co-authoring a book on language-market fit and I’m currently writing a chapter called Lost in Translation: Case Studies of Misfit Between Companies and their Target Clients so this would be very helpful
#content-collab - June 12, 2022 at 08:33 AM
Hi there,
I’ve written a piece called 6 Public "I was wrong" admissions by intellectuals & thought leaders (Images included). They range from a health psychologist who realized that 10 years of her work might have been causing more harm than good to a physicist who announced in a stage conference that he made a miscalculation that lead to a false discovery of a planet. Talk about the importance of integrity is ubiquitous but actual case studies of public demonstrations of intellectual honesty are much harder to find.
Any suggestions for who would be interested in publishing it? I already pitched a few but maybe I missed something imp
#content-collab - June 02, 2022 at 01:20 PM
@Jimmy Daly (Superpath) just finished it. interesting!
#content-collab - May 31, 2022 at 09:56 AM
great . i'll check it out
#content-collab - May 26, 2022 at 09:31 AM
@Jimmy Daly (Superpath) remarkable. did u write or talk about this online. i'd like to learn more.
#general - May 07, 2022 at 09:41 AM
Hello! Any online assessments/quizzes to guides you on which marketing strategies/channels is best for you?
#content-collab - April 28, 2022 at 04:08 PM
Hi, I'm interested in publishing three pieces (Preferably paid) that I already have drafts for. Here are the titles:
A. (Why I'm a hybrid between a generalist and a specialist). . It explains the pros and cons of each career strategy through my own story. Here's' a similar piece I had published at Social Science Space (Sage Publishing). Zoom-in vs Zoom-out: Resources for the Generalist-Specialist Trade-Off
The one I want to publish has a personal practical outlook as opposed to the theoretical academic approach of the already published one.B. 7 intellectuals who publicly admitted their mistakes once proven wrong
C. The Disadvantages of Micromanagement and Absent Management: "Get off my Tail" vs "I'm lost. Is there anyone there?"
Anyone interested?
#general - April 11, 2022 at 03:16 PM
I want to publishing some articles on external websites. Topics are: career development (generalism vs specialism), psychology & mental health, nature, a youtube channel on unusual questions. I already have the target websites and the idea for pitches. If you're willing to take a look at the pitch before I send it, that would be awesome:)
#general - March 28, 2022 at 01:54 PM
I host a show where I ask people unusual questions (Not your typical questions with Hashem). Any tips or thoughts on how I can improve either the actual videos or the Linkedin posts in the future? Here's an example of a compilation and an individual clip
#job-listings - March 15, 2022 at 04:31 PM
@Jimmy Daly (Superpath) Thanks Jimmy! I appreciate your effort!
#job-listings - March 15, 2022 at 09:50 AM
Suggestion: Indicate in the title whether the job is open to applicants outside of the country in vs. you have to be in the same country @Jimmy Daly (Superpath)
#writing-feedback - February 26, 2022 at 03:38 PM
"The Most Regards You've Ever Been Sent" is my signature. Just something playful and new instead of "Best Regards". Some people liked it in the past "
. But perhaps I'll stop using it if a lot of people don't get it (might do a poll)#writing-feedback - February 26, 2022 at 03:33 PM
@Jordy Fujiwara Thanks Jordy! The word pull is a mistake so I deleted it.
I edited the distracting bit to signify why I'm using it. The point is that I want to ask them a question to get the conversation going but at the same time show them that I spent some time thinking about the problem. Do you still think I should remove it after editing?
I'd like to ask you: Do you have any litmus tests for honesty? Here is one that I use but I'd like to hear if you have others in mind : "Who are the people you would refer to someone else rather than take on as clients?" They get credibility points if their answer reveals that they understand the limits of their service.
#writing-feedback - February 26, 2022 at 09:36 AM
The thread where I asked about exceptionally honest marketers
#general - February 26, 2022 at 09:33 AM
@Stephanie Inabo I outline some resources and process here
#writing-feedback - February 26, 2022 at 09:26 AM
This will be a cold email/message to exceptionally honest marketers: ---
Subject: How do you evaluate the honesty of marketers?
I asked on Superpath Slack channel about marketers who are exceptionally honest and your name was recommended. The reason I asked : My skillset pushed me to marketing (research and writing) ,however, I feel uneasy with the promotional aspect esp. because it’s almost expected sometimes that you’ll give a skewed picture of the topic to fit the business goal. So now, I want to establish stronger relationships with exceptionally honest people who were able to navigate marketing seas without compromising this value.
I'd like to ask you: Do you have any litmus tests for honesty? Here is one that I use but I'd like to hear if you have others in mind : "Who are the people you would refer to someone else rather than take on as clients?" They get credibility points if their answer reveals that they understand the limits of their service.
The Most Regards You’ve Ever Been Sent
#writing-feedback - February 03, 2022 at 03:13 PM
Thanks for your feedback!
#writing-feedback - February 01, 2022 at 12:22 PM
I'm creating a LinkedIn Newsletter/email newsletter about the interesting things I find. It's called "Rabbit Holes and Hidden Gems". My fields are research, psychology, education and learning so the items are expected to be from these worlds. I'm likely to include other items I find interesting from other worlds every now and then. You never know what you find down a rabbit hole. Here’s the inspiration behind the newsletter, this will be the first introductory edition in Linkedin.
#writing-feedback - January 31, 2022 at 12:59 PM
@Theresa H would be happy to take a look as well
#writing-feedback - January 31, 2022 at 12:47 PM
Thank you very much Jordy. I appreciate it! I edited the piece based on your feedback and those of others. I hope it has a better flow now:)
#intros - January 29, 2022 at 05:24 PM
Also, I'm here because @Noelina Rissman
#intros - January 29, 2022 at 05:07 PM
Hi @Julianne! What verticals would "jazz you up"?
#intros - January 29, 2022 at 05:03 PM
Hello @Marria Qibtia Sikandar. I'm also into education, mental health and HR. Nice to e-meet you!
#content-collab - January 29, 2022 at 04:56 PM
Hello Khaled. I have connections in the education sector in Arab countries. You can ping me if you want to discuss it further. @Khalid Semary
#writing-feedback - January 29, 2022 at 04:45 PM
I'm creating a new podcast/LinkedIn live series called "Not Your Typical Questions with Hashem" where I ask people strange questions. Here's the story behind it. Any feedback on either the language or the ideas? Some sentences I'm not sure about are crossed so let me know if I should leave them.
#intros - January 29, 2022 at 04:08 PM
Ok, that was the mature version of Hashem. Let me introduce you to my immature part. The immature version is a tale of brotherly jealousy. My brother , whom I love to death, is a prolific Facebook author. Whatever he posts, he’s got hordes of admiring fans liking, commentating and sharing. Apparently, his “Good morning” is much more likeable than mine.
My approach was crafting long sophisticated posts with references and insights .I got a like or two from my mother and other “close of kin”. Yeah, it took me a while to realize that most fb folks are not keen on detailed expositions with citations and the like.
Some posts did well but overall, I didn’t have an impressive engagement or traffic numbers. I had my (smaller) share of enthusiasts, from academics to the free spirits (I even made a list!) but for some reason, they tended to tell me that when no one else is looking (so they enjoy my content but are ashamed to admit it ?!)
Seriously though, what I do have is a significant number of meaningful connections that grew out of content creation, sharing and conversations.
Anyhow, that experience made me direct my focus towards content matchmaking to supplement content creation. I define content matchmaking as finding and creating the fit between content and audience.
#intros - January 29, 2022 at 03:53 PM
Hello 👋everyone!
Hashem from Amman, Jordan here (Hashem rhymes with passion).
I like to think of myself as 🐇🧽 📖 a rabbit because I enjoy going into rabbit holes to find interesting stuff, a sponge because I try to be as open-minded as possible and a logophile, because I love words, especially fancy ones.
My fields are education, psychology and career development. I've been creating and consuming content for years now. However, I noticed a mismatch between content quality and the attention it garners. Why does some high quality content have little attention while mediocre ones spread far and wide?
An example from the past that epitomizes this :
Grappling with this disconnect between quality and spotlight is the fuel for my mission : discovering hidden gems and shedding light on them. I'm currently learning content research and content strategy to supplement my creation skills, satisfy my curiosity and help me actualize my mission! Would love to connect:)