Rebekah Edwards's Profile

Rebekah Edwards
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#content-b2c - June 09, 2022 at 06:06 PM
Thank you!!
#content-b2c - June 08, 2022 at 07:00 PM
What is your favorite resource for teaching an editor how to outline/create a brief for transactional/commercial pages? I’m usually the one who does these at my agency, but trying to teach new editor(s) to do it and would love to have a well-written resource on how to do this. (My writers for these are great, it’s more getting the outlines done that’s a little more challenging.)
#content-b2c - June 01, 2022 at 09:19 PM
Hey James! If you’re still looking, that’s right up my agency’s alley. We do a lot of health/wellness-centric content and write/edit all as one service.
#content-collab - May 03, 2022 at 07:21 PM
I'm very open to chatting with more folks! I did find one person, but my client is also looking at doing a webinar series with other experts in and around higher education, so more people is definitely not a bad idea.
#content-collab - May 02, 2022 at 08:25 PM
I'm always up for a podcast, if you're still looking for folks and I could be a good fit. 🙂
#content-collab - May 02, 2022 at 08:19 PM
Might be a long shot, but... does anyone here have access to someone who is an expert at the FAFSA / the financial side of college admissions? I'd love to chat with them about an article and potentially a piece of premium content from a client of mine. (Credit + link will be given if their input was used, of course!)
#general - March 17, 2022 at 11:44 PM
Awesome, thank you!
#general - March 17, 2022 at 03:41 PM
I want to interview clients of our SEO agency to get more comprehensive feedback on what they've loved, why they chose us, what we could be doing better, etc. I've never done something like this (at least, not formally) so I'm a newbie to coming up with the questions to ask and the best format (email the questions? schedule a video chat? use a Google form?).
Agency owners — or anyone who's interviewed clients of a service-based business — got advice for me on what kind of questions to ask and what format is best?
#general - March 15, 2022 at 03:56 AM
We did hybrid all of 2021 in a private office in a coworking space but went back to remote in January because I'm moving (and rent was getting nuts). I hate it and miss my office so, SO much. There is just something so life giving to me about being with people IRL.
Not exactly the same… but I'm hybrid all the way when it's an option. 😅
#content-b2c - February 28, 2022 at 10:03 PM
Just filled it out — also, love the idea of donating for responses! Such a great way to give back!
#content-b2c - February 28, 2022 at 09:43 PM
Thanks for sharing! This was fascinating and I think it's a lot of good news indeed.
#agency-life - February 26, 2022 at 12:10 AM
Keyword research/discovery: Ahrefs (plus a custom script to identify primary vs variant KWs that I had a dev build out for us — there are software options but they're all hella expensive)
Content optimization: Clearscope (could NOT live without it)
I occasionally use
for PAA research/discovery. I like for auditing plagiarism. And then our writer schedules, client dashboards to view content, our primary "how to write" doc, and client tone/brand details all live in Notion.#content-b2c - February 25, 2022 at 08:35 PM
For sure! I think @Jimmy Daly (Superpath) originally posted it. I've been loving this format.
#content-collab - February 25, 2022 at 03:28 PM
Sweet! @Eliza Wright might shooting me a DM?
#content-b2c - February 24, 2022 at 11:04 PM
It's SO, so good!
#content-collab - February 24, 2022 at 10:00 PM
One of our clients is a wine brand that's been getting into discussing the industry a bit. Not sure it's perfect for them, but I'd be very willing to ask!
If you'd like to know more about their site, just DM me and I can pass along the stats. 🙂
#content-collab - February 24, 2022 at 08:51 PM
@Amanda Lutz helped me create an onboarding program for our agency last year! She's excellent and very quotable. (Hoping she sees this notification!)
#agency-life - February 23, 2022 at 09:20 PM
@Michaela Cavallaro Okay, so that’s really interesting! I like that idea and would greatly prefer that immensely to the whole “pretend you work for Agency A” deal.
#agency-life - February 23, 2022 at 02:06 PM
@Jenny Cahill-Jones Yeah that TOTALLY makes sense to me! I don't mind having partner agencies or even white labeling a portion of a project that I hire another partner agency for, but getting into the pretending to work for someone else is just SUPER messy.
Also, it feels a little weird that I'm so far removed that if we do an AMAZING job, someone else will get 100% of the credit and literally never share my name. I hope that's not too vain, but reputation matters.
#content-collab - February 23, 2022 at 02:02 PM
Thank. You. So. Much!!!!! 🙌
#content-collab - February 23, 2022 at 02:02 PM
bow down
#agency-life - February 23, 2022 at 01:28 AM
@Brendan Hufford Okay, that's so good to know! I wondered if I was being crazy but it rubbed me SO wrong.
#agency-life - February 23, 2022 at 12:02 AM
I honestly think I agree with 100% of what you said. The agreement I'm considering right now essentially states up front that we act as if we are at that company with an email address, etc. and that we will have NO direct contact with the client. That felt like a 🚩to me
#agency-life - February 22, 2022 at 07:25 PM
I'm curious if anyone here has thoughts/experience dealing with agency white label... cascades? I have no idea what the term would truly be, but I'm referring to the experience of:
Agency A 🤝 Client
Agency A contracts Agency B to do 64% of the project
Agency B contracts Agency C to do 50% of their portion of the project
Meanwhile, agencies B&C all have to operate AS IF they are part of Agency A, even though they are not.
I have no problem with some straightforward white-labeling, although I try to limit who we work with like this to agencies I really trust.
But when you start to get 2+ steps removed from the original agency, it just doesn't seem right somehow. I can't put my finger on it but it feels... dishonest? But again, it's just a feeling and I'm not sure if it's totally normal and expected.
Is this normal? acceptable? Is there a right way to approach these relationships?
#general - February 22, 2022 at 02:06 PM
You're so welcome, Steph!
The initial survey is really short:
• List all websites/brands you're looking for help with
• Which services do you think you need? (I include an "I'm not sure" option)
• Which of these best describes your company/brand? (eComm, SBB, healthcare provider, influencer, news/media, or Other)
• What's your favorite place to buy coffee or tea? (We send a $20 gift card after discovery calls)
• How did you hear about us? (This usually gives me insight into what kind of company they are and what they know about us)
I'll provide pricing by service at any time before the discovery call if they ask, but I typically discuss it on the discovery call (typically near the end). Often, clients who ask via email before scheduling a call have a pretty exact budget in mind, so me giving them a price range helps to qualify or disqualify them (on their end). On the discovery call, I'll do a quick calculation of what I recommend and then quote it as a range, but I don't give the exact price until my follow-up email/proposal so that I make sure I'm only recommending what I think they truly need.
Once a client has signed a contract with us and paid their first invoice, I send over a more thorough survey to get a brief of everything we need to know about their audience, tone, perspectives, etc. Because we do some pretty particular healthcare topics, I've also had follow-up calls for ~30 minutes with a few clients to have them dictate out their medical perspectives/research they focus on for those topics.
I hope that helps!!
#general - February 22, 2022 at 03:43 AM
I run an agency, but I've found that giving potential clients the option to ask more questions in an email OR schedule a discovery call on my Calendly has worked well. People who have a lot of qualifying questions will usually ask them in the email, but people who feel confident about moving forward usually go to Calendly.
I use the specific link I set up with ~4 survey questions that help me get a feel for exactly what they need before we meet. In the first 30-minute call, I identify what I need to know and take copious notes.
At that point, I'll either write up a formal proposal or email the client with an idea of what I recommend for them (depending on the use case).
We do use contracts pretty religiously these days. I didn't at first, and in our case it was not a great call. I would say it probably depends on the nature of the work you're doing, but I'm generally a fan of contracts to make sure the expectations and deliverables are very clear up front.
#content-collab - February 22, 2022 at 02:16 AM
That would be excellent!
#content-collab - February 21, 2022 at 03:19 PM
I’m working on a course and would love to feature a few guest experts for topics I'm not as versed at.
Here’s the two people I’m looking for:
➡️ A B2B content writer who can show the data of how their content has grown organic traffic
➡️ A CRO writing expert who has data to support how their writing increases conversions in long-form content
If you know either one of these people, let me know! If you ARE one of these people, I don’t mind if you self-promote.
💡 Yes, I plan to offer compensation to the people I work with.
💡 No, this is not a link building opportunity. 😊
#general - February 19, 2022 at 06:26 PM
We unfortunately don't have anything open at the moment, but please DM me and we can connect!
#agency-life - February 17, 2022 at 10:56 PM
That's our jam, depending on the topic area. Would love to chat!
#content-collab - February 17, 2022 at 09:58 PM
(Just in general, haha, not sure if we're a good fit for what you might need!)
#content-collab - February 17, 2022 at 09:58 PM
I'd love that!
#general - February 17, 2022 at 04:18 PM
Agreed! We provide complex briefs with most of what your list includes before giving the assignment to a writer, and we pay at least 2x your rate (even for inexperienced writers) for the writing without all of those add-ons. I agree, they're trying to take advantage because you're not in the US.
I would not try to convince them, but rather approach other companies and increase your rates, as long as your portfolio supports it. 🙂
#general - February 16, 2022 at 04:38 PM
We do writing and editing in Google Docs. It's one of the few things we haven't moved to Notion. It's just so much better to have suggestion mode, version history, etc. in GDocs.
#general - February 14, 2022 at 09:05 PM
What's your current process like? I came across a resource recently for slashing WordPress upload time, if that might fit in what you're looking for.
#agency-life - February 12, 2022 at 11:39 PM
We don't use them, personally. We structure pricing in a way that essentially allows us to utilize that time up front without it really being a loss in the long run. However, we don't do contracts for fewer than 6 months for content creation (more often 12 months), so I can see why having shorter engagements might necessitate that.
#general - February 10, 2022 at 08:07 PM
This might be a VERY stupid question, but would anyone happen to know why Notion doesn't copy items from a database or an outside spreadsheet into the order they're copied within the target database? I'm just using very simple copy/paste commands, and I've checked a billion times and there's no Sort or Filter or Grouping on EITHER database — but it just pastes things in a completely random order.
Context: The actual order matters because it's not something I can sort by later (alphabetically, numerically, etc.).
#agency-life - February 09, 2022 at 01:34 PM
I think it depends on the person. I've had a few writers that could switch back and forth effortlessly from financial content to health and wellness and even to marketing-related content. The way we needed them to write was way different, and they adapted easily.
I also have some writers I know can't translate to different industries that way.
I don't think there's a one size fits all answer to this, but as long as you know the people and can set your expectations well for what they can produce, it's definitely possible.
#general - February 08, 2022 at 04:15 PM
Threads have been a great way to share more complex info, and I've had some minor success.
I'm not a Twitter influencer in any sense, but I've found that the things that tend to perform well are related to the developer/startup process of "building in public." I don't just share my wins; I share how I've messed up or when things have gone wrong.
Not sure if that helps, but hopefully it's something! Feel free to
if you like, but no pressure obviously.(Also, totally feel you on keeping the separate Twitter accounts going. 🙂 )
#agency-life - February 08, 2022 at 04:11 PM
This post legit made my palms sweat a little. That sounds SO uncomfortable! I've never been through something like this, but kudos to you for facing it head on.
#content-b2c - February 07, 2022 at 03:23 PM
My biggest peeve that I bring up to clients right away (we work pretty exclusively with B2C brands) is interstitials overlay one another. For example, your user sees an ad at the bottom of the page, a banner coming down from the top, then a popup asking for an email signup. It looks incredibly spammy.
In general, one CTA at a time is preferred. Healthline actually does a really good job with this as a consumer-facing site. Although they use ads, their ads aren't overwhelming most of the time, and they don't show a popup at all on the first visit. There's some chatter that this might be more for Google, but ultimately it's better for the user, so I'm all for it.
I agree with the others above, too — fast-appearing popups on a very first visit are obnoxious af. Go for a scroll percentage or exit intent popup instead. And if your popup is difficult to exit, you're actually violating Google's guidelines — every interrupting interstitial is supposed to have a clearly marked exit button and clicking the space surrounding the popup should close it entirely.
#general - February 07, 2022 at 03:18 PM
The person getting paid would generally take the fee — they're the business receiving the money and choosing to use the payment platform. That said, our agency offers freelancers the option to be on direct deposit instead — no fee on either end, so they get to keep 100% of what they make.
#CJE3XC0H3-announcements - February 01, 2022 at 05:30 PM
I like Eliza's idea on what to do with the guest posts channel, too.
#CJE3XC0H3-announcements - February 01, 2022 at 05:30 PM
Yes on Web3!
#intros - January 26, 2022 at 04:41 PM
Same here, @Larry Barker! I would love to know more about NerdWallet's growth and how you did it.
Welcome to Superpath!
#agency-life - January 25, 2022 at 05:19 PM
My agency doesn't do B2B much, so I won't pitch me, but I know @Bernard Huang has connections to a lot of great agencies that could be a great fit!
#content-b2c - January 25, 2022 at 01:22 AM
Sure, that would be excellent!
#content-b2c - January 25, 2022 at 12:21 AM
Possibly a long shot, but does anyone here work for
? I'm not trying to sell anything; I just REALLY like their website and am looking for a new developer/web dev agency!#agency-life - January 20, 2022 at 09:13 PM
I think this sounds really great! I'd love to help, if I can.
#general - January 20, 2022 at 07:27 PM
@Eric Doty (Superpath) Such a strange way to waste time, IMO. 😂 Like, someone had to build that. BUT WHYYY 😅