Anton Rius's Profile

Anton Rius

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#general - November 13, 2024 at 07:07 PM

For writing, check out It's like having a Google Doc with built-in generative AI, and you can switch between LLMs (Claude, ChatGPT, Gemini, etc.)

For research, I'm a big fan of Perplexity

#general - November 08, 2024 at 02:02 PM

In the context of how your services can be most valuable to them, I'd say it's about offloading shallow work—all the menial, day-to-day tasks that they have to deal with that takes them away from the big strategic deep work.

I've moved into more of a leadership role over the past few years and my calendar and my inbox are my biggest pain points—mostly because I'm still straddling the line between individual contributor and leader/strategist.

An executive's job is to guide and nurture and enable their team to execute the organization's strategy effectively. But their calendars are filled with one meeting after another, and their inbox is stuffed with messages (most of which will never get read). They generally don't have time or the mental capacity to wade through their inbox or deal with low-priority requests from people because they need to stay focused—they can't afford to get pulled in a lot of different directions or do things that eat up their valuable time.

All that said, your value could be that you take that burden off their shoulders, so they can focus on guiding the strategy and their teams. They won't need to think about their inbox or their calendar or filtering through requests from their reports—they can have confidence that you'll clear the deck for them.

Also (and I'm sorry this is turning into an essay), these days you're going to go up against AI assistants as a competitor. So in your messaging, I'd think about highlighting ways you stand apart from not only other EAs, but also why what you offer can't be matched by AI solutions.

#general - November 08, 2024 at 01:47 PM

Sophie, I'm very curious to see the results from this!

#general - November 06, 2024 at 08:28 PM

@Brandon I re-read your post and realized you said advice other than less tactical, which is exactly what I said.

To dig into that more, my approach would be to do some research about the kinds of topics that Founders care about. What's happening in the market, the industry, the economy overall that impacts their strategic business goals? If you haven't already, start reading First Round review. Listen to podcasts like The Twenty Minute VC. Follow some founders on LinkedIn and see what kind of content is resonating with them.

It always comes down to understanding your audience first. At that level, you're only going to get their attention if you know their business priorities inside and out and can offer a solution to at least one of their most critical needs (even if they don't yet recognize that need).

#general - November 06, 2024 at 03:54 AM

@Tyler here’s a collection of templates that might be helpful:

I’m not affiliated with them at all, I saw this in another community and thought it was cool.

#general - November 06, 2024 at 03:51 AM

As Hayab alludes to, think more high-level strategy. They’re likely not in the day-to-day tactical marketing work—they’re more concerned with growing the business, scaling efficiently, building culture, etc.

#general - October 24, 2024 at 04:40 PM

You might consider looking at more strategic gaps for content in your org. For example, if there are so many teams creating content, do you have a solid content POV in place? Do you have documented guidelines for content across the org?

Also, your ideas are currency when it comes to leadership seeing value in your work. Try and find gaps and opportunities for content in your org and start suggesting things. Not every idea will take hold, but they'll see you are thinking strategically and if one or more of your ideas resonate, it can be a wedge that opens the door for new opportunities.

#general - October 24, 2024 at 04:36 PM

I'm loving it too! Just signed up and testing it out. Even scheduled a call with them to talk about team pricing.

#general - October 08, 2024 at 02:21 PM

Jakes provided a great list. You probably don't need all these tools. Personally, I prefer Ahrefs as my main (paid) tool, and then use additional free tools on top of that.

#content-collab - November 11, 2022 at 03:05 PM

Will do!

#content-collab - November 11, 2022 at 02:39 PM

@Tanaaz Khan We're releasing some new research on Nov 16th in this webinar, all about why sales doesn't use marketing-produced content, and results of two behavioral studies we did to find out how to get sellers on board.

The findings might be interesting to answer your third question. Let me know if you'd like a preview of the results.

#general - November 03, 2022 at 01:24 PM

#general - November 02, 2022 at 03:16 PM

Justin Welsh! He talks more to solopreneurs but has some great advice for social content.

#general - November 02, 2022 at 03:15 PM

In one word: Happenstance

Educated in hand-drawn animation and film. Floundered through post-college jobs until I discovered marketing. Self-taught content marketing and hustled to where I'm at now.

#general - October 21, 2022 at 02:06 PM

Totally agree with the folks above. Stats need to be relevant and recent, and if you're including a link to a stat, make it a link to the original source, not another article that quotes the stat.

Interestingly, my company ran a neuroscience study and a behavioral study to test how including insights (backed by data points) impacts a sales/marketing pitch, and the results showed that leading with an data-backed insight and then following with a question can increase the persuasive power of your pitch.

Ungated links to the research, if you're interested: and

#job-listings - October 11, 2022 at 12:18 PM

We might be open to hiring in Canada (I’m checking on that) but otherwise it would be US only for this role.

#job-listings - October 10, 2022 at 05:44 PM

Great, thanks, Yasi!

#general - October 07, 2022 at 03:50 PM

This is something I'm curious about as well. Our company recently acquired a membership community that was primarily profitable thanks to sponsor dollars. Now, we're trying to turn it toward more valuable content for the community without upsetting sponsors.

I think the danger is catering too much to sponsors and leaning on them too heavily to contribute their own content without strict guidelines, and it ends up sounding like a commercial. In that way, sponsored content isn't nearly as valuable as user-generated content and the community discussions, so you run the risk of diluting the value of the community if you don't set boundaries.

I always appreciated how First Round Review publishes content featuring outside SMEs. They do a really nice job of curating outside voices about specific subject matter without it ever feeling like a commercial.

#general - September 28, 2022 at 02:36 PM

Velocity Partners immediately comes to mind.

On that page, "A Stakeholder Through the Heart" and "Crap: The Single Biggest Threat to B2B Content Marketing" are my favorites.

#general - September 20, 2022 at 04:28 PM

Not an online course, but a few books that I've found very helpful to learn more about UX:

• Badass: Making Users Awesome by Kathy Sierra
• Don't Make Me Think by Steve Krug
• Nicely Said by Nicole Fenton and Kate Kiefer Lee
• The Design of Everyday Things by Don Norman

#local-atlanta - September 19, 2022 at 01:47 PM

Hi folks, just found this channel. I'm over in Athens. Hope that counts!

#content-collab - September 19, 2022 at 01:40 PM

Patrick, check out DSG's resource library—specifically the Sales Plays topic.

Disclaimer: This company is part of of the company I work for. But they have a lot of great information about sales plays and playbooks.

#job-listings - August 19, 2020 at 03:41 PM

Thanks, Phillip! Not sure how they missed that but I'll let them know.

#job-listings - August 19, 2020 at 02:48 PM

A friend of mine posted this:

SCORCH St. Louis is hiring for fully remote, FTE-with-benefits-and-bonuses, challenging, fast-paced positions. Looking for junior and senior level writers. Tech writing experience is a big plus, though not necessarily required.

#job-listings - March 12, 2020 at 10:36 PM

Hey @Brian_Nuckols, feel free to DM me. Thanks!

#job-listings - March 12, 2020 at 10:17 PM

edit: [roll filled]

#CJE3XC0H3-announcements - February 14, 2020 at 04:58 PM

I would also add that there are a lot of other types of content you can help your team create to support sales and customer success at later stages, like follow up email cadences, conversion-focused email templates for sales, case studies, use cases, wiki articles, etc.

This video lays out a great framework for content and sales to work together:

#CJE3XC0H3-announcements - February 14, 2020 at 04:55 PM

Hey @Elizabeth Bell, I've been working very closely with our demand gen team, and I agree that it's been a great situation as a content creator.

At my company we don't use the TOFU, MOFU, BOFU model, but are more focused on answering specific questions that our buyers have at each stage in their customer journey. Most blog posts we write are at the very beginning of that journey (or in your case, TOFU). The questions you're trying to answer for your prospects at that stage are "Why should I change my current situation" and "Why should I choose you?". You can then use other types of gated demand-gen content (e-books, webinars) to capture those people's information and qualify them for sales.

#job-listings - December 04, 2019 at 05:22 PM

Someone from Uhuru sent these Remote Content/Copywriting job listings to me. I'm not in the market, but thought I'd share here, in case you're interested:

#intros - August 16, 2019 at 04:33 PM

Hi all, I'm Anton from Seattle 👋 I've been in content marketing for 7+ years now, working in both professional services and tech. I'm currently managing all things content for the awesome folks at Corporate Visions (, a B2B sales and marketing training/consulting company whose services are based on original research about buying psychology.

Very excited to join the group! Looking forward to meeting people, learning from everyone here, and contributing what I can 🙂