Ben Ellis's Profile

Ben Ellis
Recent Messages
#general - January 29, 2025 at 12:30 PM
Vlad is spot on!
Ignore this person you spoke to, I’ve never heard such rubbish. You want a photo so people can see the human behind the business. Business sites with no photos of the employees (especially service businesses) always raise a (negative) question in my mind.
#general - January 19, 2025 at 05:02 PM
On Safari you can Export as PDF, then you get the whole webpage not just what you see on your screen, and then cut to size for your website.
You can try the Wayback machine to get before shots if you forgot.
How is a screengrab capturing a less quality image?
#general - January 15, 2025 at 11:57 AM
Have you tried re-optimising the existing pages? Sounds like algorithms have changed and negatively affected those pages. No matter how evergreen, a spruce up can always help, even if the page’s saved date is updated.
Google suggestions is a good way to find other related keyphrases. And check out what your competitors are writing about.
#general - October 11, 2024 at 12:38 PM
Looks really good.
A couple of notes:
1. The rates section doesn’t show any rates. Either show them or remove ‘rates’ if you don’t want to show them.
2. You mention Phil Knight and other people but not the companies they represent. I know Phil Knight is Nike, but I don’t know the others. The point may be lost if we don’t know the companies they represent.
3. I’d put the fact you’ve written for VICE, Shutterstock and Zapier on the first or second ‘page’.
4. I’d probably go into a bit more detail of what you actually do. I always feel storytelling is a bit vague, in terms of being a client, what does it actually mean I’m getting for my money? The site mentions you specialize in long-form, then mentions blogs, thought-leadership, interviews, content strategy, social media - then has a section on blogs (and digital mags). I think this all needs to be aligned around long-form and flow better; what does it include? And why is it good and worthwhile doing for clients? And then, why you?
Good luck with your leap! 👍
#general - September 17, 2024 at 02:21 PM
What’s the product’s USP?
#general - September 10, 2024 at 12:31 PM
You could ask for one and post it anonymously. If anyone questions the validity of it, you just have to say that’s one of the issues of being a ghostwriter. If you publicise it, you put off any future ghostwriting clients who wish to remain anonymous. Hazard of the job!
#local-uk - September 05, 2024 at 10:25 AM
I’ve just updated an article - Where Do You Find Freelance Copywriting Work in The UK?
Might be useful for some people here.
#general - July 23, 2024 at 10:54 AM
I think it was a good screening question...for you.
I wouldn’t dwell on it. They probably ask it, not for the answer, but how you handle a left-field question. I mean, a less morbid one would have sufficed.
#general - June 19, 2024 at 10:04 AM
Life’s too short. Get out as soon as you can. You can always explain it in an interview IF they ask. After the last 4 years, one short stint isn’t going to hurt you.
#promo - June 19, 2024 at 09:00 AM
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#general - May 23, 2024 at 08:08 AM
I used to work in pharma and now do some medical copywriting.
#general - April 14, 2024 at 01:33 PM
You’re trying to earn their business, not their charity. Too many red flags for me. Here’s my minimum price, take it or leave it.
#promo - February 09, 2024 at 12:52 PM
Word Monger is a monthly newsletter of copywriting oddities, victories and curiosities.
A light-hearted look at various copywriting so you can look busy at work.
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#general - December 12, 2023 at 01:09 PM
I’ve got this bookmarked -
#promo - August 29, 2023 at 10:31 AM
Copywriting Newsletter
Hi, I’m a freelance copywriter in the UK here to plug my newsletter - Word Monger.
Subscribe for an irreverent and humourous look at copywriting & branding -
.#freelance-gigs - March 08, 2023 at 08:24 PM
Are they in the UK?
#freelance-gigs - December 21, 2022 at 03:58 PM
Thanks everyone! I’ve forwarded all portfolio/LinkedIn links onto Dawn. If she’s interested then she’ll contact you directly.
@Andie Coupland yes, DM me your portfolio/website/LI link.
@Anurag yes, DM their details and I’ll pass them on.
#freelance-gigs - December 19, 2022 at 05:15 PM
Any copywriters here with experience in producing HR tech related content?
(Just gathering a few options for someone as it’s not my field).
#freelance-gigs - September 21, 2022 at 09:00 AM
Yeah, trust your instincts. But a PPC person could be a good idea - an immediate result plus you can take a ‘hefty’ management fee because I can smell ‘hassle’ from here :)
#hire-me - June 09, 2022 at 09:54 AM
Hi everyone - I’ve got space for writing work. I’m a copywriter with experience in B2B, beverages and pharma, plus I’m a published author and screenwriter - so if you need any kind of a narrative element to your work, or a light-hearted, humourous touch, let me know. UK based, friendly,
// . Cheers!#freelance-gigs - May 21, 2022 at 09:28 AM
Thanks Kaitlyn, following you on Twitter as well now 👍
#intros - May 19, 2022 at 10:24 AM
Hi 👋 I’m a freelance copywriter in the UK. Like @Heather Larson I came here via Whitney at the Copywriting Summit. I write mainly in pharma/healthcare but also enjoy writing TOV type stuff with a bit of humour. I’ve also written novels and screenplays, and looking to start a copywriting newsletter.