keith Brooks's Profile

keith Brooks
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#general - August 31, 2023 at 04:20 PM
@Skye Willis it is not evidence of work that is important, although it is good to know they have done x,y,z.
Intelligence does not equal accountability, nor does it equal practicality, but it does provide a good place to start if they have little background in marketing.
Usually, if someone comes so recommended it is because of family/friends/nepotism when they are that inexperienced and you get what you sign on for with it. Sometimes amazing but often times, meh.
If you did the interview already, what is behind your reticence to hire them?
#freelance-gigs - July 19, 2023 at 05:26 PM
If you don't know your own time frames, you won't know your clients either.
Always aim to underpromise and overproduce and you will be fine.
Know your limits.
Mine is 4 clients, after that I start to hire extra people.
#content-podcasting - May 04, 2023 at 02:51 PM
Hi @Eric Doty (Superpath) I am doing a Linekdin Live on how to be a great podcast host next week, so this is good timing.
@Lindsay McGuire had great input above "The guest outreach/prep/communication is crucial."
Which is what our Linkedin Live is all about. How not to be a bad host.
Plan, communicate, review, post followup are just the basics, in depth you get into so much more.
#content-podcasting - May 04, 2023 at 02:44 PM
Just ask, @Greg Lees people's egos are larger than the podcasting market
#general - May 03, 2023 at 06:55 PM
ok, good. I use it for some weird scripts I can't be bothered to waste time on but sometimes needs some syntax(or names) changed and I mistype it. good you got it solved
#general - May 03, 2023 at 05:40 PM
@Rachel chatgpt will do it for you if you describe what you want then just edit the parts you need, it will also tell you which parts to edit.
#freelance-gigs - January 15, 2023 at 07:41 AM
If it is a 2-5 minute question and answer, no I don't charge them. But I charge in 30 or 60 increments, so if it goes longer, yes I would.
#content-collab - November 10, 2022 at 09:00 AM
In the competitive intelligence space, there is Crayon, but it is not
which looks like it could be them. They are and I initially ended up in a weird discussion because of it.#content-collab - November 08, 2022 at 06:58 PM
Sure, on a call the next half hour but free after
#content-collab - November 08, 2022 at 04:40 PM
UI bits like buttons, tabs and other text get translated and sized properly, for devices and screens
#content-collab - November 08, 2022 at 04:40 PM
Right, I usually work with vendors on their Bi-Directional items like Hebrew and Arabic.
Bidi is not easy, many bits of software don't recognize it properly.
Browsers can, but they are not intelligent, so when code is added it needs to be validated properly, or you see the language backwards as one example of weird things.
#content-collab - November 08, 2022 at 04:29 PM
@Tanaaz Khan Are you asking about foreign language or something else?
#freelance-gigs - October 24, 2022 at 06:22 PM
I sometimes break down my decks into multiple blog posts, especially when it is around what can go wrong and how to correct it. I deal with Enterprise Technology.
#hire-me - October 20, 2022 at 01:35 PM
@Anita Biggins Figure out who you want to work for/with. Then take some of their recent created items, and track down the manager/editor and send them better stuff.
If you do this for 3 companies, pretty sure you will get at least 1 that wants you.
#freelance-gigs - October 19, 2022 at 03:04 PM
@Kaitlin Marks 1) What is your budget?
What is your deadline/go live date? Who will we work with from your side? What will a successful project/solution look like to you and can we have that in writing along with who will sign off that it is complete.
Will we have to be on site? If so, will you pay travel, parking, etc..?
How often do you want to meet about the project, and who will own that meeting, us or them?
I also ask if they are flexible with payment structures, I like to get paid in segments,
2) Always negotiate rates and functions. Define what is included, or excluded. I dislike writing white papers so I exclude them, but include other shorter content when quoting for marketing items.
I then assign a value to the excluded items, as usually they come back and want them.
#freelance-gigs - October 19, 2022 at 02:57 PM
@Rachel Never let others limit your success.
If you don't ask, you don't get.
Go ahead and reach out, you never know who actually follows through or meets the requirements.
#general - August 05, 2022 at 11:02 AM
I work with startups on their presentations, but I found they need help with their presenting itself, not their decks.
Yes, they need deck help too, but a good or great deck, presented by a subpar presenter, is the difference sometimes between no funding or sales.
In our case, kickoffs, training/enablement, and webinars likewise need great presenters that can hold people offline and online captivated.
If helping your team become better presenters or keeping sellers on point is of interest, be it onboarding or even long-time presenters that have lost their mojo (it happens), reach out to me.
#content-collab - July 12, 2022 at 06:41 PM
@Sanjana Sankhyan I was part of customer success and manage teams for it now if that helps.