Vicky Gu's Profile

Vicky Gu

Recent Messages

#local-nyc - May 23, 2023 at 02:21 PM

Hi NYC folks! If you're around on Tues, Jun 27 (530pm) - I'd love to meet you at an evening that The Content Technologist is putting on. I'll be sharing a quick presentation on a research framework that I've used for better content/brand strategy. It's hard to find deep resources for senior content professionals and Deborah Carver is filling a much-needed gap, along with what Superpath is doing.

> Underdog frameworks for keeping the internet human: An evening with TCT
> The future of digital content has never seemed more precarious. In the past year, tech giants have shifted the target even further away from the human-centered creative ideals that built the web. So what does that mean for content professionals, the creators, agencies, and brands who make the internet? How can we hold the balance so what’s fun about the web doesn’t get subsumed in a trash fire of a get-rich-quick scheme?
> Join Deborah Carver, Aimee Gonzalez-Cameron and Vicky Gu as we tackle some likely scenarios for the future of digital content, pick up some new digital content strategy knowledge, connect with other content professionals, and get a sneak peek at what’s next for us at this intimate meet-and-greet event.
Here's the link to tickets - hope to see you there![…]340022423552-mJIW?utm_source=share&utm_medium=member_desktop

#intros - February 08, 2022 at 11:46 PM

Hi all - I'm Vicky, an editor, designer, and strategist based in Brooklyn. Discovered Superpath through a @Sean Blanda piece that a couple friends linked me. I was previously an independent brand & content consultant and am now the content strategist at NewtonX, the world's leading B2B research company. We're in a high growth stage and I've already found the conversations here helpful - looking forward to more ⚡