Katie Bray's Profile

Katie Bray
Recent Messages
#freelance-gigs - May 11, 2022 at 01:54 PM
While I'm here, I'm also looking for German and Italian writers on a freelance basis for a Martech client - details here
#freelance-gigs - May 11, 2022 at 08:02 AM
Hey @Reem S. Abouemera! Thank you 🙂 Yes, word count is usually 1500 - 2500 words (although we go more on content that word count) and the full time role would involve writing 10 - 12 of those per month
#agency-life - February 23, 2022 at 02:00 PM
Hi all! I'm thinking of hiring a community manager for our agency, it's a brand new role and I'd be keen to hear from anyone that has experience in this field or the hiring of the role. I have a job spec and would love someone to tell me what they think!
#agency-life - October 21, 2021 at 08:06 AM
Thanks for sharing, @Lauren Dietlin (she/her) and @Maddy Osman! We currently do a test piece, paid at a subsidised rate, do you guys pay for your test pieces? The problem I face at the minute is I don't have enough of a buffer or enough 'validated' good writers for all new clients. So it means using a test writer on a new client which I don't want to do.
I would ideally like to create a smaller test as part of the application process
#agency-life - October 19, 2021 at 07:53 AM
Morning @Adam Bockler thanks for this, i'll check it out! Are you still testing writers from here or are they found for you and your confident in their level?
#agency-life - October 18, 2021 at 04:21 PM
Great to know, thanks so much!
#agency-life - October 18, 2021 at 03:44 PM
@Rebekah Edwards thank you! This is one of the problems that we keep facing, the samples seem more than OK but the actual piece that they end up writing for us is no where near that level. How do you use the test pieces?
What's your process for qualifying the writers initially?
#agency-life - October 18, 2021 at 03:32 PM
Thank you @Taran Soodan!!
#agency-life - October 18, 2021 at 03:29 PM
Hey all, happy Monday!! Does anyone have any tips or places that they look for freelance writers? As an agency we seem to be coming up against the same problem time after time of not being able to find good enough writers for specific client projects....we don't want to put test writers on new clients but we also don't have a bank of verified writers to use