Mark Alves's Profile

Mark Alves

Recent Messages

#general - January 30, 2023 at 02:50 AM

Piwik Pro no-cookie option? Or some sites use a dark pattern for cookies where the form is confusing so it’s easier to give up and accept (Legal will likely frown at this understandably).

#content-podcasting - November 12, 2022 at 01:36 AM

Added to my listening queue, too!

#general - October 06, 2021 at 05:08 PM

Following up on that question, how do you document the agreed to alternative compensation? Is a mention in an offer letter enough? What will hold up when someone later says HR doesn’t approve or the whole department is under a new policy voiding previous agreements? Thanks!

#general - September 04, 2021 at 12:59 AM

Linkbuilder from an SEO perspective but PR or digital PR would be more palatable when reaching out to publications.

#general - September 04, 2021 at 12:52 AM

Let the original author know about the rewrite and if their byline is removed.