Kai Davis's Profile

Kai Davis

Recent Messages

#promo - January 30, 2025 at 07:53 PM

Just released a new Shopify SEO Checklist with 30+ tips. It's free and you (or your client) can enter their email and get the PDF with all the tips: https://shopifyseochecklist.net/

If you have a Shopify SEO tip that didn't make the list, let me know what it is. If it's good, I'll add it + link to you with attribution!

#local-portland - January 24, 2025 at 05:38 PM

We do! Keith is a great guy 😄

#pets - January 23, 2025 at 02:04 AM

Valence asleep under my desk

#pets - January 23, 2025 at 02:04 AM

Me and Perrin chilling on the sofa

#local-portland - January 21, 2025 at 08:06 PM

Hello oregon peeps! I'm down near Eugene. Where y'all at?

#freelance-talk - December 04, 2024 at 05:51 PM

What would Alan Weiss, father of value-based pricing do?

He'd charge a premium fee because the client has a premium need on a tight timeline.

#freelance-talk - December 04, 2024 at 05:50 PM

@Ken Please don't call business decisions that other people make in this community 'asshole add-ons.'

#freelance-talk - December 03, 2024 at 01:07 AM

This thread just made me an extra $1,000. I added a 25% kicker to a rush project, and they said 'let's do it' an hour later. Thank you, chat. (cc @Eric Doty (Superpath))

(next time I'll do 33% 😆 )

#freelance-talk - November 15, 2024 at 03:57 PM

There isn’t any magic DNA or fingerprint (yet! that we can detect!) in non-crappy AI content.

I recommend not using those tools. And if a client is using them, encourage them to not. They aren’t reliable.

#freelance-talk - November 15, 2024 at 03:56 PM

Vlad is correct

#promo - November 12, 2024 at 02:28 AM

Are you struggling with your social proof? Is asking your client for that case study or testimonial awkward? Or have you been putting it off and have a backlog of clients to ask for testimonials / case studies?

I have a friend -- Meg of MegCumby.com -- who writes top notch case studies and testimonials for agencies and solo consultants. She's a former journalist and it shows. She meets with you to learn about the project and then sits down and interviews your client about working with you, their feedback, and the impact of your work on their business. Then she writes it up for you using their words. A+ content, great to help with your sales process and marketing content.

Here's an example of one of her case studies with an ecommerce agency: https://ethercycle.com/work/AdamsPolishes/.

Let me know if you'd like an intro to her, I'm happy to introduce you. She's available for work in December, does great work, and treats your clients with the utmost care.

#promo - November 07, 2024 at 10:32 PM

My friends Colleen and Lianna are launching Saas Marketing Gym. Daily co-working calls to work on your SaaS marketing + tips, tools, templates, and resources. Really good deal from two marketers and founders who know their stuff.


#intros - October 17, 2024 at 12:20 AM

Welcome, Romana!

#general - October 16, 2024 at 08:01 PM

Excellent tips! Thank you @Eric Doty (Superpath)!

#general - October 16, 2024 at 06:04 PM

Eric is on the money.

Here's my email template for pitching a podcast.

#promo - October 11, 2024 at 01:29 AM

I wrote about how Shopify merchants can think about using exit intent pop-ups in a polite way this BFCM: https://doubleyourecommerce.com/articles/bfcm-pop-up-strategy/. (Who likes getting hit in the face repeatedly with pop-ups as soon as they land on a site? Not many people! So instead, do it the polite way.)

#general - October 10, 2024 at 10:54 PM

Yes. Eisen. She's great. I've worked with her a few times. Great b2b designer.

#promo - October 08, 2024 at 07:23 PM

Something new: a BFCM Organic Marketing Power-Up service.

If you know a Shopify merchant stressing about getting their marketing together for BFCM, point them to this service.

This is a bespoke, done-for-you marketing optimization + content creation service where they work directly with me to get their BFCM organic marketing put together and scheduled in their tooling by Nov 15th.

This touches:

• Website messaging + content (including writing a BFCM gift guide designed to sell)
• Website optimizations (including optimizing homepage messaging, setting up email countdown timers, and adding polite BFCM exit-intent offer pop-ups)
• Email marketing content (including three pre-BFCM emails to build anticipation and five during BFCM emails to promote your offers)
• Social media content (a dozen social posts and half a dozen social images)
• SEO optimizations (updating SEO titles and meta tags to attract BFCM traffic)
It's a great deal for any store owner looking for help getting this marketing + content put together.

Here's the link: https://doubleyourecommerce.com/services/bfcm/.

Only two slots available! And we're looking to get all content scheduled by Nov 15th, so we'll want to kick off soon.

Kai (your Shopify SEO guy)

#freelance-talk - September 27, 2024 at 07:16 PM

@Theresa H: My personal definition is "Help explain a small, specific, grokable issue/problem/challenge and the path of/to/for a potential solution that helps the reader/visitor move forward in their journey to their solution." If we think about b2b or b2littleb, 'add value' is often 'help the business owner better understand a concept they're curious about, learn more + better questions to ask, and/or evaluate a potential solution.' All of that positions you as a niche expert with relevant knowledge that can help the reader's business.

Not nebulous junk like "How to 10x your business → 1. Hire VAs! 2. Use Fiverr!!" Specific stuff that helps folks in your niche with the problems they're experiencing.

In the past when I was doing the kai davis dot com coaching for freelancers/agency owners business, that was email resources like my free email outreach course where I talked the reader through specifics when it comes to outreach and follow-up. Or my daily email newsletter, where I sent out a daily tip on growth/pricing/marketing for service providers.

For the Double Your Ecommerce business, it's tools like this keyword magic spreadsheet where I show the reader how to export their search console data, import it into this free spreadsheet I share, and get a list of quick wins.

All things that — for lack of a better phrase — add value to the reader's universe. Not just... take up their time and attention with human or AI spew.

Happy to answer more questions or go deeper on any of this. I think these two episodes of Make Money Online (my old podcast with nick disabato) get at some of these topics: Educational Products: Creating Your First, Writing, Publishing and Daily Emails.

#promo - September 26, 2024 at 09:09 PM

A few folks in my network asked "Hey, what Shopify SEO apps do you recommend for a new Shopify store?"

And... I don't! Here's what I recommend Shopify store owners focus on instead of chasing the latest app.


#freelance-talk - September 26, 2024 at 06:10 PM

Providing value, really. You can't get that far away from funnels, but they don't need to be too elaborate.

I've grown a few list. My kaidavis.com info products for indies/consultants list was a mixture of:

• Lead magnets, like a simple ~5 day email course on client intake, outreach, or getting on podcasts. Opt in → get 1/3/5 emails on the topic
• Regular broadcast/evergreen emails to nurture + build a relationship
• Guesting on podcasts/webinars to increase awareness, let people know I've got a list and a lead magnet
Once they were on the list, I sent them regular emails that provided value and had calls-to-action for my products.

Right now, I'm working on growing my DoubleYourEcommerce.com list. I'm taking a similar approach

• Have lead magnets that provide value (like my 'Keyword Magic' spreadsheet)
• Regular broadcast/evergreen emails to nurture + build a relationship
• Guest on podcasts/webinars to increase awareness/let people know I've got a list and interesting lead magnet
• SEO on articles, to bring in relevant traffic
I don't think it needs to involve social media or endless funnels. But, imo, you benefit from one value-add lead magnet so you have an offer more than 'get on the list!'

#freelance-talk - September 25, 2024 at 11:17 PM

@Theresa H Building an email list + selling my own information products. Brings in a few hundred to a few thousand a month, depending on how much I promote and market it.

#general - September 19, 2024 at 07:30 PM

Don't bill by the hour! Hourly billing is nuts!

#freelance-gigs - September 17, 2024 at 05:52 PM

Any google/facebook ad freelancers in here? I’m looking for a referral. If you’re interested, send a personalized DM to me or reply in the thread with a link to your website/portfolio. (Please don’t pitch me on your platform. I’m looking for an individual to work with her.)

I’ve got a smaller ecommerce client (~5-fig/yr) who needs some help setting up some initial ad campaigns for her business: google product listings, google product ads, and facebook dynamic retargeting ads to start.

She sells maps/barrel head maps/towels of different states, like ‘beach towel of hawaiian islands.’ Small business. Looking to grow. I’ve worked with the owner on a few projects and she’s a delightful lady. I’m recommending this as the strategy and I’m not an affordable option for this work, so I’m looking for a referral. This would be a good one-time or ongoing client.

She’s nice to work with, motivated to do the work, and would really benefit from someone with platform experience.

#promo - September 12, 2024 at 02:45 AM

By the way, I don’t think I’ve ever shared this resource here: The Independent Consulting Manual.

In ~2016 12 consultant friends and I put together a book and set of 6 roundtable video interviews — all on an insider’s guide to building six-figure consultancies. We launched it as a paid product and it made a bunch of money — and then a few years ago we decided to make it a free product for everyone who wants it.

No opt-in required. You can get the $119 product — 25 chapter book, 6 roundtable interviews — 100% free.



(“What’s the catch?” There is no catch!)

#promo - September 10, 2024 at 09:19 PM

New article: My “do less” advice for your evergreen Shopify SEO.
Focus on high-impact, low-effort SEO opportunities, skip the fluff, and do what works. Make these six tactics part of your Shopify SEO strategy.


#freelance-talk - August 20, 2024 at 08:37 PM

Got it. Yeah, in that case, they are providing some value. (And handling billing/collection).

Strong agree. 15% ongoing feels wrong. Not the right alignment/incentives, and doesn't feel like they're providing 15% worth of value. Throwing numbers around, maybe it starts at 15% and drops to 5% unless it turns out they're providing a lot of admin/project management support.

#freelance-talk - August 20, 2024 at 08:05 PM

> The scope to start is a well defined flat fee project, but it could/most likely turn into an ongoing retainer. If it does, would I pay 15% on all ongoing work? Would that % drop to something lower ongoing? Would you put a cap on it(say $5k?)
This is something that you want to bring to a conversation with the agency. Is this outlined in your contract with them? Somewhere else?

They will, most likely, attempt to say 'oh ya of course we get 15% on all ongoing work, we referred you the client!!' Which is 💩 .

I, personally, as a freelancer/consultant avoid referral arrangements like these. I find that it adds a layer of complexity to the working relationship and muddles incentives.

> For context,, the agency is not doing any work here - this is just me and the client.
If it's a one-time fee (15% on first project) I think that's fine. if it's ongoing, I dunno, I'm on the mind that if they're taking an ongoing commission they should be providing ongoing service, like project management.

Good luck. Talk to your contact at the agency side + review your contract.

#general - August 15, 2024 at 03:32 PM

Gruber wrote about the breakup idea:


#general - August 13, 2024 at 10:42 PM

AdSkills.com's Slack community and paid programs (they have great video content on ad copywriting, I've consumed some of it)

#general - August 13, 2024 at 10:42 PM

My life in advertising

#general - August 13, 2024 at 10:41 PM

The book The Brain Audit by Sean D'Souza (review link)

#general - August 13, 2024 at 10:40 PM


#general - August 13, 2024 at 10:20 PM

This is a good spot to browse on the notion side -- official template gallery https://www.notion.so/templates/category/portfolio,

#general - August 13, 2024 at 09:30 PM

Use whatever is easiest for you to get started. There isn't a perfect solution. Something off the shelf like Contently or Notion are good options to look at.

#general - July 09, 2024 at 06:05 PM

Ah! Check out my homepage for a general example of that: doubleyourecommerce.com.

#general - July 03, 2024 at 06:05 PM

> 1. sharing ideas, 2. questioning down-from-the-top directives, and 3. reviewing others’ work.
Not a linkedin/online course, but it's a book that charged my life and how I communicate.

Nonviolent Communication by Marshall Rosenberg

Ten stars. Incredibly good book for communicating with co-workers and upper management.

> What is Violent Communication?

> If “violent” means acting in ways that result in hurt or harm, then much of how we communicate—judging others, bullying, having racial bias, blaming, finger pointing, discriminating, speaking without listening, criticizing others or ourselves, name-calling, reacting when angry, using political rhetoric, being defensive or judging who’s “good/bad” or what’s “right/wrong” with people—could indeed be called “violent communication.”

> What is Nonviolent Communication?
> NVC is a communication tool with the goal of first creating empathy in the conversation. The idea is that once people hear one another, it will be much easier to talk about a solution which satisfies all parties' fundamental needs. The goal is interpersonal harmony and obtaining knowledge for future cooperation.

#general - June 28, 2024 at 07:17 PM

I see more of these on the SaaS side than the agency side. More common for 'book a demo' to start the conversation, I think.

#general - June 28, 2024 at 07:17 PM

I like this one myself: https://logeix.com/contact. I think their form is a little overly detailed but they're all relevant questions.

#general - June 27, 2024 at 10:16 PM

> We have an in house legal counsel and they say there's nothing to worry about.
Trust your in-house counsel.

#freelance-talk - June 03, 2024 at 11:12 PM

You're worth the higher rates, friend 💪

#promo - June 03, 2024 at 05:46 PM

She'd be game for that. Reaching out to her over email is the perfect way to start that conversation (meg@megcumby.com|meg@megcumby.com)

#promo - June 03, 2024 at 05:41 PM

Hey solo consultant and agency owner friends — my colleague Meg Cumby (megcumby.com) has some capacity opening up in late June and July for new testimonial and case study projects.

Meg specializes in helping solo consultants and boutique agency owners get testimonials and case studies without the awkwardness. Here are a few examples of her (excellent!) work:

Case study for a fractional CTO
Testimonial for a podcast booking agency
Case study for a design and development agency for Shopify stores
If you know an agency or consultant who could use help with getting social proof, connect them with Meg at meg@megcumby.com|meg@megcumby.com or point them to her website at www.megcumby.com.

And if you’re looking for help in this area yourself, she’d love to chat about working with you. You can email her at meg@megcumby.com|meg@megcumby.com. Let her know you came from SuperPath / that Kai referred you.

#general - May 29, 2024 at 10:31 PM

Slack communities mainly. A tiny bit of twitter since my audience (Shopify merchants) are there. Probably LinkedIn in a bit.

#intros - April 25, 2024 at 08:42 PM

Nifty domain name! 🍄

#freelance-talk - March 27, 2024 at 07:29 PM

I wrote a post on this last year: https://kaidavis.com/business-banking-for-solo-consultants-and-freelancers/


Charles Schwab. I’ve had good/better-than-average experiences with them over the years. Big bank, but a decent option.
Mercury (https://mercury.com/) – Lots of solopreneur/LLC friends bank with them. From what I hear, they’re a good option.
Chase – Sort of the “they’re okay but ” option. They get the job done and have good features, but it’s a big crappy bank.
I think the best choice is often a local credit union.

#freelance-talk - March 27, 2024 at 05:22 PM

Eric is spot on.

#general - March 19, 2024 at 07:56 PM

I can tell you, there are specific scenarios where they can help, but, mostly, not worth it.
I'll co-sign this message :)

#general - March 06, 2024 at 09:10 PM

Hell no.

#general - March 06, 2024 at 07:40 PM

mad max: fury road