David Harrington's Profile

David Harrington

Recent Messages

#intros - August 10, 2021 at 03:30 PM

Great website Mila! Welcome.

#job-listings - February 03, 2021 at 09:43 AM

Shot you a DM Rachel. Look forward to discussing!

#job-listings - January 18, 2021 at 08:31 AM

Hi All! Still looking for a web copy specialist for startup B2B e-commerce technology brand. Prefer US-based and/or native US English speaker. DM me for more details!

#job-listings - January 05, 2021 at 05:40 PM

@Beatriz Abreu Peixoto I've seen you post dog-related stuff here maybe check it out! lol

#general - January 03, 2021 at 01:13 PM

This was great

#job-listings - December 21, 2020 at 10:32 AM

Hi All! Looking for a web copywriter for B2B e-commerce brand to audit their site and re-write most of the pages in English. Should be a native US or Canadian English speaker with experience in writing concise, eye-catching copy. DM for details.

#job-listings - December 05, 2020 at 09:36 AM

Hi all. I'm functioning in an advisory role to an Eastern European startup in the B2B e-commerce space. They're going through a process transforming their brand from a localized brand into English-speaking, and therefore in need of a content editor and writers to both re-write existing content and write new blogs, website and e-mail copy. Plenty of work to do and very nice, motivated startup team. DM me if interested for more details, we'd really prefer a native English speaker from an English speaking country for this. Thanks and look forward to hearing from you!

#general - October 27, 2020 at 12:40 PM

Sure Alexandra. If I'm enough of a "technologist" hopefully.

#general - October 26, 2020 at 09:05 AM

Hi Alex. Happy to contribute from a B2B SaaS perspective.

#intros - October 24, 2020 at 03:38 AM

That sounds great @Lee Price I’d love to pick your brain! Will send a DM

#intros - October 23, 2020 at 11:30 AM

Hey @Lee Price! That's great info. Sorry for the delay. I'm based out of Asia so there's a time difference lol. But yeah, so I help some clients with SEO writing, but mainly sourcing/managing writers and editorial. Although I'm bored of this and want to move away from it. I'm much stronger with Thought Leadership content and ghostwriting. I've worked with some big brands like GE and Panasonic. A lot of the SMEs and startups that approach me and that I work with, I try to steer them in the direction of thought leadership as well. But I'd like to be more of a consultant and strategist rather than ideation/fulfillment which is what I'm doing now. I'm doing some content strategy plans right now but trying to gear things more towards a thought leadership approach. Anyways, a lot of random thoughts, hopefully it's cogent. Curious as to your opinion!

#intros - October 22, 2020 at 04:29 PM

Welcome @Lee Price! I’m curious how does being a “thought leadership consultant” work? I’m in that space a bit myself.

#general - October 22, 2020 at 04:32 AM


#general - October 22, 2020 at 04:32 AM

Hi All! Hopefully this is the best channel for this. I'm attending Web Summit in December (now virtual) as a freelance media member. I plan to have a couple interviews/articles lined up for my 1-2 usual clients, but I'm searching for ways to monetize this access further. There are some big name people that I could potentially interview and develop content on, but I would need brands/clients lined up beforehand and have a pitch/concept all squared away. I've been cold-emailing companies within tech over the past week or two, but no response really. Any advice or thoughts on trying to line up more content for this and make the most of it? The media team has just sent out the form for interview requests

#general - October 22, 2020 at 04:25 AM

Cool, thanks @Charles Costa! I've never heard of Creative Circle but I'll look into them. One off commissions could definitely work.

#intros - October 19, 2020 at 03:50 PM

Welcome Cassie. What's Scribewise about?

#uk-content-marketers - October 19, 2020 at 11:31 AM

Hi All! Someone in my network -- UK-based -- is looking for help with her Life Coaching site. Mostly auditing/writing web copy. Here's the link, let me know if anyone here is interested - https://www.yourlifemap.co.uk

#general - October 19, 2020 at 04:00 AM

I have another general question. Right now I'm in a phase of transitioning my model to essentially "pass through" a lot of my higher-end work to other writers (have a couple right now that I'm starting to do this with). Most of my work comes through Contently and a few referrals. Anyone have general advice and/or experience with this type of stuff? Eventually I want to focus mostly on acquisition and lead gen, and write only the super high value stuff and/or things I'm most interested in...

#general - October 19, 2020 at 02:59 AM

Very helpful, thanks!

#intros - October 16, 2020 at 06:16 AM

Also keep in mind that "SaaS" is extremely broad. It just means Software-as-Service which really refers to a business model than any specific technology. The software industry switched from selling versions of software to billing on a recurring basis because --well -- it's more profitable. As content marketers, our job is to bring more prospects into the pipeline that will eventually turn into subscribers. For businesses this can take anywhere from 6 months to 3-4 years. So the content is playing a long-term thought leadership game that addresses whatever specific industry and/or pain points that the software solution is uniquely positioned to solve. Anyways hope that all makes sense Sargi let me know if you have any other questions!

#intros - October 16, 2020 at 05:58 AM

Also try and get some entry level articles under your belt via UpWork. No better way to learn an industry through experience and gaining recommendations from satisfied clients. You can then start leveraging that on your website/online profiles being like "Hey I know SaaS! Here's what I've written and what clients have said."

#intros - October 16, 2020 at 05:56 AM

Specialists definitely thrive in SaaS. If you carve out deep domain expertise in either and industry or toolset it can work to your advantage. For example, you may decide to write content and know all the in's and out's of Human Resources. Then you could potentially work from companies like SuccessFactors, Entelo, PeopleSoft, etc that have cloud solutions for HCM. Or you might focus more broadly on a technology like Artificial Intelligence or Blockchain, where it applies to multiple industries. If you wanted to start in SaaS I'd definitely recommend reading up on the industry and learning the lingo, big players, etc. Go on Crunchbase often and see what kind of companies are being funded. Start writing for user generated sites (even Medium) to show companies that you actually know what you're talking about and try to have some kind of perspective on the industry. Like I said, many startups bring teams that they've previously worked with at companies that have already had a liquidity event. Not to mention their hiring pipeline from elite universities.

#general - October 16, 2020 at 05:41 AM

Hi all. Does anyone have recommendations for resources for someone like me who is new to the Gumroad platform? Think I have a lot of stuff figured out but I'm sure there are nuances in terms of publishing written ebooks/content.

#intros - October 16, 2020 at 05:39 AM

There was another major SaaS company I discussed an in-house position with. They said starting salary would be around $85k in the Bay Area. Which means I'd essentially be homeless. LOL

#intros - October 16, 2020 at 05:38 AM

SaaS in-house varies. When I did sales in Silicon Valley, I worked with the in-house content team on a few things but found it hard to break into the "clique" of marketing/content people who were Ivy's/Stanford/Berkeley and already well-established in their marketing careers. I would have gladly taken an in-house role there w/ equity comp. I've interviewed for a couple in-house positions since but didn't get the jobs (Zapier being one) and just kept going along the freelance route. In the end you do get more flexibility and aren't stuck writing about the same topic over and over. But honestly if Salesforce or a large SaaS company found me and gave me an attractive offer I would definitely take it. I just don't think there are THAT many in-house writing positions relative to the amount of writers out there. You need to be in the right network and the right city to land a good in-house position. At least that's my opinion.

#intros - October 16, 2020 at 05:28 AM

Hi all. I'm David. Background in SaaS/tech sales turned content roughly six years ago. Basically been freelancing under a "solo agency" type of model, currently looking to scale, outsource fulfillment, engage up-and-coming writers in coaching, among other goals. Nice to meet everyone and look forward to spirited discussion.