

Matt Robare January 25, 2024 at 06:24 PM

Is there any work out there?

Leanna Lee January 25, 2024 at 08:08 PM

There's always work 🙂 What are you looking for?

Matt Robare January 25, 2024 at 10:47 PM

Anything I can do and people will hire me for at this point

Linsey Knerl January 26, 2024 at 03:04 AM

Hey, Matt, I saw your post on Linkedin about the niche you're in. It could totally be that the niche is suffering from a slow time. Any way you can look at niches that have overlap there but that are hoppin' right now? AI/health/ecommerce/education? I know that each of these niches may have a sustainability subset. And I know you've written successfully on Digital Twins (which is a hopping topic, but just very, very niche.) You may also have to rewind to a completely different niche from years before to just stay working right now. For example, I thought I had left the world of finance behind me, but it's back! And I've found ways to combine it with my AI experience to make it profitable. I will say things are slower for me from a new client perspective, but regular clients are now slowing down. Hit me up on LI, if there's anything I can do!