
Hi folks, I’m looking to update my portfolio, so I’m open to any advice. Lately, potential clients have said my CV and portfolio are great, but for some reason I don’t land the gig. I use clear voice. I’m confident in my writing skills, and I’ve started diving deeper into SEO lately, but I have trouble conveying that I’m the right person for the job. I write in-house for an ecomm brand while having some gigs on the side. Here it is:

I just use a Google Doc with published links with my byline. I found that one thing that works really well is NOT to send the whole portfolio. Instead, I send 2-3 relevant articles for that client, ideally published in the past year or so

What Mile said. It's nice to have a portfolio, but you're asking the client to do work to sift through it all. Send then 2-3 links you think are most relevant and your portfolio as more of an add-on