

Joanna Kaminska October 11, 2023 at 12:55 PM

hey folks, how do you approach pricing your writing and strategy services? If per hour, do you charge less for writing than for a strategy setup? To me this was a natural separation but not sure if that's a good way to pitch it to customers.

happy to see your experience

Dominic Kent October 11, 2023 at 01:03 PM

I price per blog post (separate short-form and long-form prices) and I provide a strategy deliverable for a set fee.

The latter varies based on the scope, size of company, existing content, etc.

In some cases, where it's clear it's going to be a long-term engagement, I'm happy to agree to a day rate.

Joanna Kaminska October 11, 2023 at 01:09 PM

for you internally, how do you do the calculations? Like you estimate how much it will take you and then how much you'd like to have per hour and send a project price? Or is it based on other factors.

Because technically, there should be a difference in price, e.g.,:
• if you get a brief + keywords + expert interview ready and you just write and implement feedback
• you do end-to-end creation with strategy

Dominic Kent October 11, 2023 at 01:14 PM

My rate is high enough that it can factor in both of these options.

I offer end-to-end for price A but if a company wants to do that themselves, they know the cost is the same.

They're paying for the output, not the process.

Joanna Kaminska October 11, 2023 at 01:30 PM

so it's better to price the outputs always

Joanna Kaminska October 11, 2023 at 01:30 PM

ok thanks a bunch for these insights

Dominic Kent October 11, 2023 at 02:08 PM

100% the output. It protects you from underpricing and means troublesome customers don't start unpicking parts they don't want to pay for but are vital to your process.