
Anyone else work in a coworking space? My lovely local space that was super affordable sold to a new owner and now the price is doubling for same 2xdays a week access.
I'm super social and love popping out of the house 2xweek or so. Anyone have a coworking space membership f/t? Do you find value in it?

I have a local coffee shop… it’s not a dedicated co-working space of course, but it has an amazing community feel, I tend to see a lot of the same regulars on the days I go (usually 2x a week) and I know all the baristas now, so it’s a good balance between seeing some friendly and familiar faces and getting work done. Plus it’s $15 a week for coffee and bagels instead of $100s a month 🙃
I tried all the coffee shops within a few miles of me to figure out which ones were best for working and what the vibe seemed to be! 10/10 recommend as an alternative! Local libraries are amazing for working too!

Thank you @Rachel! I love the local library for head down focus days for sure. I'll have to try out more coffee shops near me. I just always feel bad staying there so long when they're swamped and people are looking for seats (this is a me problem!).

No I totally feel that! This coffee shop has an absolutely insane amount of seating, so I never feel bad staying for a good while, but I totally feel that way in smaller shops and that’s totally fair!

I'm gonna hop around and see if I can find a spot I vibe with (with extra seating!)

Best of luck!! I hope you find someplace awesome! I need to get out of the house a few times a week, so I totally feel your struggle.

I used one for awhile. It was $110/mo and had good space and multiple locations around town. I just used it 3-4 times a month, so I struggled with whether it was worth it and am currently taking a break and making the coffee shop circuit. It depends what I'm doing. If I am on a call or need to pull a lot of research up, I like to be home where it's quiet and I have my second monitor.

I rent a private 10x10 office in a co-working space in my tiny town of 1800 people. It's super busy during the summer when kids are out of school, and the moms can't get anything done at home. But during the school year, it's crickets. I love that I have a place where I can keep my stuff, clear my mind, and work uninterrupted, plus take client meetings, film TikToks, and do podcast interviews. I find it a good investment even in the months when I barely find the time to go in.

This is all good insight right now. I've been testing moving around to different coffee shops (am maybe going to create a spreadsheet now haha) to get a vibe and if they have outlets. I also enjoyed the library but it's early voting right now so it's a little busy.
I'm still inclined to make the jump to a coworking space in the new year. I love what Linsey said that it's a dedicated spot for creating content