

Ishaan Gupta March 08, 2024 at 02:58 PM

8 days into march and already hearing news of some AI-websites having gotten blacklisted. If Google does its job well, we could see a lot more openings for writers in April 🤞

Theresa H March 08, 2024 at 06:39 PM

I've been wondering how long it would take for companies and marketers to realize that AI can't deliver on its lofty promises. Perhaps eyes will begin to open...

Ishaan Gupta March 13, 2024 at 07:21 AM

@Theresa H @Vlad Covic - its great for surface level information or the random google searches we do while cooking, travelling, etc. I think Perplexity will be the winner there + for ELI5's. Website traffic for people who want to learn and hear a human perspective (which is all B2B) will still be with the best writers!