

Dan Siepen June 08, 2023 at 04:44 AM

Hey @Luciano Viterale, @Luke Fitzpatrick, @Radhika Basuthakur πŸ™‚ - I chatted with @Cierra Loflin about creating a local Australian channel to connect with other amazing marketers like you all here in Aus πŸ™‚.

Definitely keen to add more people from Australia in the Superpath community if you know of anyone? πŸ™‚

No specific format to this group or anything, but thought be good to say g’day and meet others. Hopefully there might be ways we can help each other out.

Quick intro’s:

β€’ @Luke Fitzpatrick is an amazing content marketer/Digital PR maestro and we worked together at a consultancy called Web Profits. Great person. πŸ™‚
β€’ @Luciano Viterale is something I met just recently actually and we have a lot of mutual marketing contacts. One of the top email marketing experts out there (check out his site).
β€’ @Radhika Basuthakur I just met recently as well through this amazing community based in most of the best locations of Australia, the Gold Coast. πŸ™‚ - Radhika works as a content marketer at Upwork (just contributed to an article which I’m super excited about πŸ˜„)
Have an amazing Friday to you all πŸ™‚

Luciano Viterale June 08, 2023 at 06:03 AM

Thanks for putting the channel together @Dan Siepen!

Dan Siepen June 08, 2023 at 06:33 AM

No worries @Luciano Viterale πŸ™‚ - If you know any other Aus-based marketers in Superpath, add them in πŸ™‚

Radhika Basuthakur June 12, 2023 at 09:48 AM

Thanks @Dan Siepen for getting this started! Nice to meet all of you. Great to just be able to talk to others in the same time zone sometimes.πŸ˜† Although as a new mum, my work times are all over the place at the moment.