
Sponsored by Campaign Monitor :partying_face: Many thanks to the CM for helping us keep this community free! CM was founded by two agency founders looking for a better email solution. It was engineered for agencies from day one (way back in 2004).


Larry Barker January 25, 2022 at 02:14 PM

Hi all! I just got presented with the opportunity to buy an agency I've worked for over the past 4 years (owner is moving on to something else). I'm intrigued, but want to give it my due diligence.

Is there anyone here who runs a small agency who would be willing to let me pick their brain? If you've bought/taken over an agency from someone else, that would be even more awesome.

I'll gladly buy you lunch! 🌮

Jimmy Daly (Superpath) January 25, 2022 at 04:38 PM

i have never bought an agency but i have lots of agency experience. would happy to talk through it with you.

Larry Barker January 25, 2022 at 04:42 PM

Thanks @Jimmy Daly (Superpath)! I'll DM you to find a good time