
For posting freelance opportunities. Plz post freelance gigs here → <https://airtable.com/shrnaj45n9yge6xOt> (If you want to post that you're looking for work, post in <#C02RGHQ4HK7|hire-me>)


Hailey Hudson December 04, 2022 at 11:04 PM

What's your system for keeping track of client information - stuff like what payment method a certain client uses, or their style guide? I use Trello to keep track of assignments but I always find myself digging through a million email folders and Google docs to find the other stuff. Would love to get some ideas for a better system I could implement to keep it all straight - maybe a spreadsheet type situation?

Anthony Sills December 04, 2022 at 11:11 PM

Hey Hailey, check out: https://hecticapp.com?_get=anthony57anthony57

I use it to keep track of everything freelance.

Chad Montgomery December 04, 2022 at 11:17 PM

I'm a big fan of Airtable.

I run mine completely free. I track payments, to do lists in a Kanban Trello like cards, I have fields for my google doc links, notes etc.

Then each project is linked to a client. I can keep track of my rate charged, how much I made, payments, etc.

Super simple and completely free.

The base I copied and modified is called Freelance Project Tracker

Anna Burgess Yang December 05, 2022 at 12:05 AM

I also use Trello to track my deliverables but I track client information in Airtable (on the free version like @Chad Montgomery). I have a client table with links to that client's google folders, track my rates for that client, upcoming invoices I need to create, links to the client's folder in my GDrive, etc. I have Zapier running in the background connecting different things so I'm not duplicating my efforts between Airtable, GDrive, and Trello.

Kaitlin Marks December 05, 2022 at 03:38 AM

I have a board in Notion for this! In that board, I keep a database of completed and to-be-done assignments, as well as sections for each client with brand guidelines, invoicing instructions, style guides, contact info, and any other notes 🙂

Stephanie Trovato December 05, 2022 at 12:20 PM

I use Trello as well and I have a separate board for clients resources and all that type of information so it’s easy to reference. And then a board for assignments.

Rachel December 05, 2022 at 02:45 PM

I use Notion as well! I have a card/board for each client with a database of assignments, invoices, etc. and I can attach style guides, notes from meetings, etc. or even link to or embed specific emails as needed. There’s so much functionality and it’s super easy to keep everything in one place.

Hailey Hudson December 05, 2022 at 03:06 PM

@Stephanie Trovato Good idea! I may just do that since I already love Trello and am very familiar with how it works.

Melissa, The CPA Who Writes December 05, 2022 at 03:34 PM

Like @Stephanie Trovato I use Trello for everything. I have a board for client resources with a card for each client where I attached style guides, contracts, pricing, contacts. One place for all the "admin" info for each client.