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Tammy Danan August 02, 2023 at 03:42 PM

Seeking Collaboration Guidance

Hey everyone! My freelancer friends and I are looking into collaborating and becoming a one-top-shop type of business. But, we have a lot of questions...

I’m a creative content writer and I mainly reach out to clients through cold emails. Usually, I work with big brands like Shutterstock, Zapier, etc.

My friend is a web developer and graphics designer who works with smaller clients and has been doing it for over 5 years now. They usually get their clients through job boards.

Our plan is to build a business targeting brands that need graphics and content services. We can build your entire blog for you (versus me as a writer contributing articles) and we can build websites (versus my friend simply contributing graphics for certain parts of the website)

Here come the tricky parts:
1. How do we reach out and present this idea to our target clients?
2. Where do we find the types of businesses that need these services, as I’m not sure job boards or cold email would do the trick. Or will they?
Thanks so much! Tips and advice greatly appreciated.

Truffle August 02, 2023 at 03:42 PM

Freelance content strategy consultants often find new clients by taking on content creation jobs first and demonstrating their strategic skills during the process. They can also build trust with clients by asking strategic questions, offering suggestions, and backing them up with data or reputable sources. Networking with founders, CMOs, CEOs, and other high-level executives at smaller startups can be helpful, as they may have more need for strategy support. Building a personal brand through case studies, newsletters, or podcasts, and using targeted outreach on platforms like LinkedIn can also be effective. 1 👍 button 👎 button Explain this Answer button 👍 @Tieara Auto generated by Truffle AI. Results may need further verification. This may also help answer your question 👈

Jen Phillips April August 02, 2023 at 03:59 PM

1 q. I have is who are your ideal clients? It sounds like you write for well-known SaaS companies while your friend builds sites/graphics for small businesses.

Are your price points aligned?
You and your web design friend?
How small are these businesses?
Is there a particular industry or is it “everybody?”
Who’s doing the writing now for these smb?

Do you want to position it an all in one site hitting all the best SEO practices?

I’m sure there’s a market here but it sounds like you need to refine your positioning and product market fit.

Good luck!

Tammy Danan August 02, 2023 at 04:20 PM

@Jen Phillips April thanks so much for that! To answer your questions:

Our price points are aligned, yes. She’s been wanting to grow her business and increase her rates because after 6.5 years, she’s never done that (I know)

We plan on targeting B2B and SaaS businesses but I’m not 100% sure that these businesses are looking for that graphics+word content team. Or maybe I’m not looking harder?

For my friend’s clients, they have writers doing their content so all she does is graphics. Same in my case—the brands I work with have folks doing the graphics.

Do you want to position it an all in one site hitting all the best SEO practices? - YES!! 🙂

There’s a lot we need to work on, but our biggest question is where do we find these potential businesses and how do we reach out? Would cold emailing still work?

Jen Phillips April August 02, 2023 at 04:40 PM

Cold emails do work for lead gen though I’ve found it helps to focus on a particular industry where I have experience.

To offer your combined package, you’re probably going to want to look at smaller companies. I could see their interest in an all-in-one.

Tammy Danan August 02, 2023 at 04:47 PM

When you say focus on small companies, do you mean companies in the digital space or product-based companies? My friend and I have worked in both and we’re also not sure if SaaS brands would be interested in us 👀

Jen Phillips April August 02, 2023 at 05:35 PM

That’s up to you. I was more thinking revenue or employee size.

Tammy Danan August 02, 2023 at 06:38 PM

Ah, gotcha! Thanks so much, Jen. 🙂