
For posting freelance opportunities. Plz post freelance gigs here โ†’ <https://airtable.com/shrnaj45n9yge6xOt> (If you want to post that you're looking for work, post in <#C02RGHQ4HK7|hire-me>)


Zoe Biehl November 16, 2022 at 10:04 AM

Hackr.io is looking for freelance writers with experience writing about tech topics such as:
Programming languages such as Python, Java, JS, C++ and all the others

If you have a background in coding, this is a huge plus. Please message me your per-word rate, samples, and what tech experience you have.

John Iwuozor November 16, 2022 at 10:12 AM

I have a background in data science (with Python) and I do a lot of cybersecurity writing for top brands. Sending you a DM, Zoe.

Bani Kaur November 16, 2022 at 10:27 AM

@Aarushi singh is the absolute best person for this!

Aarushi singh November 16, 2022 at 10:33 AM

Thanks @Bani Kaur .
@Zoe Biehl Iโ€™m a software engineer turned writer. Sent a DM with relevant samples and price! :)

Aanchal Parmar November 16, 2022 at 10:50 AM

@Tanaaz Khan is the best person I know

Camille Hogg November 16, 2022 at 11:06 AM

@Kyle Jones oi Kyle ๐Ÿ‘€ sounds like it could be up your street?

akachukwu obialor November 16, 2022 at 01:16 PM

@Femi Oyelola and @Tanaaz Khan: this could be up your alleys

Tanaaz Khan November 16, 2022 at 05:59 PM

Thanks, @Aanchal Parmar, and @akachukwu obialor! ๐Ÿ˜Š

@Zoe Biehl Hi! I've written for several brands in this space. I've sent you a DM with relevant samples and rates ๐Ÿ™‚

Rahul Gupta November 16, 2022 at 06:02 PM

@Zoe Biehl Hope you are well..I have a background of Analytics and Python...I have sent you a DM with my samples

Shyam Purkayastha November 17, 2022 at 03:58 PM

@Zoe Biehl no offences here but per word rates for programming articles is a red flag.

kirti November 17, 2022 at 04:18 PM

but why just for "programming articles" @Shyam Purkayastha

Shyam Purkayastha November 17, 2022 at 04:31 PM

@kirti how much would you charge for writing print(โ€œhello worldโ€) ๐Ÿ˜Š. Jokes apart, yes itโ€™s not just for prog articles alone.