For posting freelance opportunities. Plz post freelance gigs here → <https://airtable.com/shrnaj45n9yge6xOt> (If you want to post that you're looking for work, post in <#C02RGHQ4HK7|hire-me>)

Hiya! Any reccs for a reliable SEO freelancer? I'm thinking maybe 5 hours of work per week - we have ahrefs so things like:
-Helping us set up an API key to IndexNow
-Optimizing outdated posts (we have a list)
-Keyword research for net new data (I have writers to actually write)
-General audit for technical health
-Adding pages to our sitemaps for crawling
-etc etc
We can't hire someone in-house and I'm struggling to find the time myself so potentially going to pitch outsourcing this...MUST be U.S. based (company policy)

I know just the person! Sending a DM now.

Hey @Chloe Thompson! This is something we can help you with.... Sending you a DM.

You definitely want to got with Chris Jones. If you do, mention me, his #1 fan 🙂

Possibly @Matt Koulas?

@Afnan Rehan

@Chloe Thompson Working with industry giants like HubSpot and Zoho as an SEO consultant. I mainly specialize in ranking low DR websites/new websites organically.
Unfortunately, I’m not based in the US so do lmk if you’re open to a remote collab 😄

Not sure if he’s taking new clients but Jeff is a former colleague.

@Chloe Thompson I recommend my friend
for those types of tasks. He's a savage, especially with goal oriented content audits and related strat.If you're struggling with broader demand gen / scaling the revenue outcomes from your SEO campaigns, feel free to book a call me to zoom out on strategy as well.