For posting freelance opportunities. Plz post freelance gigs here → <https://airtable.com/shrnaj45n9yge6xOt> (If you want to post that you're looking for work, post in <#C02RGHQ4HK7|hire-me>)

hi folks! I'm having a crisis of confidence and hoping this group can talk me off the ledge. I made the jump into freelance content strategy consulting in March and got a few referrals sent my way—but those have either dried up or postponed projects into the future. There are SO MANY freelance gigs out there for content creation, but I'm having a harder time finding strategy-focused jobs. I know how much value I can add, and I know there's demand for this kind of work, but I am just struggling to find it.
For those of you who have been doing strategy consulting awhile, how do you find new clients? did you take on content creation and writing gigs at first to pay the bills?

@Mariya Delano and @Matthew Delman might be able to provide some insights.

Yes, absolutely take the content creation jobs on first. But keep in mind that when you’re creating the content, you should ideally go beyond just writing and offer suggestions for how to optimize/target the piece you created.
I got offered and accepted a social media calendar management offering because the company loved my writing work.
Those content strategy jobs are unlikely to be advertised anywhere, so you’re going to have to talk your way into them a little.

I agree with Matthew on this.
Every content strategy client I have today is because I showed them that they were asking for content creation, but really needed content strategy. It took a lot of research on my part and a few Loom videos to get there.

I, for one, am always glad to meet people who love doing strategy. I really prefer to be on the creation side! Occasionally I have clients coming to me needing content strategy and am not always sure who to connect them with. I’d love to learn more about what you’re offering, Jenna!

Did you just make the jump in March, as in, last month? If so, congrats on the new gig and making the leap!
I find strategy focused gigs tend to get posted less and rely more on WOM and referrals since it’s a bigger, more strategic project with more weighing on it—folks want to be sure they’re working with someone they can trust. Most of my content strategy projects have either been through referrals or me pitching someone directly, so I’d recommend setting up a nice website and pitch deck and reaching out to folks directly who you think you could deliver some value to. And definitely take on some content creating gigs if you can—those can be great lead-ins!

This is super interesting! And exactly the reality check I needed. I’m curious @Jodie Coher if this is an opportunity you’re uncovering during discovery, or after working with the clients for a little while?

@Emma Siemasko I’ll DM you!

@Rachel a pitch deck is one thing I haven’t done yet—great tip!

Hey, @Rachel! I'm launching a strategy-focused service soon too. Would you mind sharing what you usually include in the pitch deck?

Also, @Jenna Thomas, @Adrienne Smith might be able to help here!

Would advise working on personal brand building by writing case studies or starting a newsletter on LinkedIn or have a podcast. You’ll have to use ABM strategies since your target audience would be CMOs or CEOs who would be making strategic decisions and seeking approval for external help at this level.

+1 to what everyone says here! The best place to start looking for content strategy work is with writing clients. Help them uncover areas of opportunity, ask the right questions, get their wheels turning strategically… I’m always happy to answer more Qs 1:1 if you want to DM me. And FYI my weekly newsletter talks a lot about the experience of being a content strategist and selling your services 😀
if you’re interested.
I am 100% interested @Adrienne Smith! Just subscribed—thank you!

I subscribed too, @Adrienne Smith! I’m always looking to learn more. Thank you!!

@Jenna Thomas It’s often something uncovered during a discovery call. I ask A LOT of questions about what they’ve done that’s worked and failed, what they’re currently doing that needs my help, and what the ideal is that they hope to achieve.
Inside that framework often comes out an admission of unclear goals, hoping for the best, shooting in the dark, and need for someone to take on a directional leadership of that part of marketing. Ta da!
Here I am. And I’m good at that.
We continue the conversation around content creation, an overall content strategy and why that would help them achieve their goals faster.
Then when I present a proposal or business case or pitch deck (or whatever I use to present my services), I make a clear connection from the foundational content that needs to be created to the bigger picture of a content plan. Think: Big picture analysis with attainable deadlines.
We discuss team members and others that can contribute to the foundational content creation. And then I get to work partnering with them to make sure all the goals are achieved through that plan that details tactics to implement a strategy to reach their audience at the right time with the right message.

I hear this. Definitely keep taking content creation gigs. Lots of folks don't know how to write descriptions or know what they actually need to hire for!

@Tanaaz Khan I include an overview of the types of strategy i offer + why it matters + my approach to it, what a typical package includes / could include, a “why work with me” bit including testimonials + previous results, and then a CTA with some next steps + my contact info

@Jenna Thomas I’ve made the switch myself, and I started out by simply asking strategic questions when doing writing projects. So I would ask things about my briefs, and give suggestions on what I thought might be better, and build out trust that way. Then I’d get a bit more control over the next brief, and again try to push the boundary into getting more decision-making power. Over time I had clients agree to add a “strategy” fee on top of our usual writing projects, and after doing that for a while I felt comfortable advertising strategy services to new clients.
The key is always framing your recommendations as suggestions at the start and backing them up with data / links to reputable marketers / previous experience / etc.

Love this @Mariya Delano

@Mariya Delano that is so insightful, thank you! and thanks to you all for weighing in—knew I could count on this community :)

@Jenna Thomas go to Linkedin jobs search for any of (with the quotations):
"first marketing hire"
"founding marketing"
"first content hire"
"content strategy"
"content calendar"
"build marketing team"
"scale content"
"marketing plan"
Figure out the words that define the type of company that would be looking for strategic content help.
Then connect with the founder (whoever is concerned) on LinkedIn, follow them, comment on their things, cold email them.

@Jillian Wood If the group chat happens, please let me know and/or add me! I'm in the same boat of content strategy consulting.

@Jillian Wood @Jenna Thomas @Rachel @Katie Mittelstadt @Adrienne Smith would either of you mind if I DM you for some advice on getting started?

Go for it @Olivia Lucero