For posting freelance opportunities. Plz post freelance gigs here → <https://airtable.com/shrnaj45n9yge6xOt> (If you want to post that you're looking for work, post in <#C02RGHQ4HK7|hire-me>)

Hi everyone,
I'm doing social media work for a client and they want to pay me a bonus for each referral. What percentage of the sale should I use?

What is the value of what they sell? Are they a commercial real estate broker, a SaaS vendor, or... I think that should play a role in the percentage you seek.

@Mark Burdon - That's a good question. It's online tutoring

I know of a company that pays 30% commission on prep/course sales through a partnership (not social though), if that's any help?

@Laura Nineham - that's very good to know! Thank you for that information