For posting freelance opportunities. Plz post freelance gigs here → <https://airtable.com/shrnaj45n9yge6xOt> (If you want to post that you're looking for work, post in <#C02RGHQ4HK7|hire-me>)

Hey folks, someone asked me to complete an assignment to get work. The assignment was to write AI-free content only to get selected and write 6 articles a week with CHATgpt and make it more humane. I wanted to know how much I should charge to write per piece? The time invested would be the same right? I quoted $150 per piece and they said it's costly for them. Then went with $100 but it's still not in their budget.

So, what is their budget? Writing with Chatgpt take as much time because you need to verify every thing chatgpt tells you. You also need to add relevant stats and maybe expert insights, which chatgpt can't provide.

Very true @Amaka
I'll ask them about their budget.

They might try to lowball you with the rates thinking ChatGPT will do most of the "heavy lifting." You might end up spending the same time, if not more, using ChatGPT. So, weight it up well before going forward, I suppose.

I would pass. Or ask for the same
Amount to edit as write..it essentially takes the same amount of time anyhow

Not worth it

Sounds like a bad client.

This is getting so ridiculous! As if clients who value content so little already weren’t hard to deal with… these stories of clients using Chatgpt to try to further control the budget and devalue a human’s contribution and the work of writing is really sad and pissing me off.
I would let these folks know what it actually takes and that you’ll pass. They clearly aren’t interested in the human doing the work and don’t respect what it takes.

Yep, @Koa Elder. They see freelancers as disposable. Great until they can write, but if there's something that can write poor content for cheap, they'll be happy to take it up.

Ikr @Koa Elder finding good clients who actually need human researched content is getting tougher.

@Tasmai Dave They are just paying for their own downfall as of now.

Shallow content is all they need🤝🤝

Lol, legit @Prachi Jha! I mean, ChatGPT is great for ideation and some simple tasks. But writing blog posts, good luck with that.


If they're asking you to edit "generated" content, I'd charge standard editing rates. According to
Proofreading: 39 cents per word
Copyediting/ line editing: 49 cents per word
Developmental editing: 69 cents per word
If the copy also needs fact checking, that would be extra.
Eventually companies will find that "fixing" AI-generated content won't save them as much cash as they think.

I’d let them use chatgpt themselves to write their own articles for “free” so they can reflect on what it actually takes to use it to create useful content.