For posting freelance opportunities. Plz post freelance gigs here → <https://airtable.com/shrnaj45n9yge6xOt> (If you want to post that you're looking for work, post in <#C02RGHQ4HK7|hire-me>)

Hey everyone, looking for any published authors who might want a freelance writing gig, writing specifically about publishing a book. Still in the early stages of sounding this out right now (and getting approvals) but if anyone is interested in a gig like this I'd love to talk.
To be clear: looking for published BOOK authors. Self published or traditional is fine. Sorry for any confusion

Hi Patrick — I’m definitely interested! I write YA and MG novels (I have one on Amazon), and I’ve written content like this before.
Would love to chat more.
Hi @Patrick
I’m interested. You can see my books on

Hey Patrick! I work with an incredible writer who has published some YA novels. Feel free to PM me!

@Oyinkansola Ogunyinka Edem published a book recently!

Aww, thanks for the tag @Mae Josémaria O. !

Hi @patrick, I’m interested!
I have self-published two books and independently marketed them. You can check them out here:
. 😊I’m also a pretty solid freelance writer (if I do say so myself).
Hope to work with you on this!

If you're interested in a traditionally published nonfiction writer, please consider me. I have also been a subject matter expert on traditionally published nonfiction books. Thanks!