For posting freelance opportunities. Plz post freelance gigs here ā <https://airtable.com/shrnaj45n9yge6xOt> (If you want to post that you're looking for work, post in <#C02RGHQ4HK7|hire-me>)

Hey all! I'm working on becoming incorporated and my accountant has advised me to have a couple of name options in mind just in case one doesn't work. Ever since I started freelancing, my website has been The Hardworking Creative because I feel like that encapsulates who I am. Would that work as a biz name? I don't have many ideas beyond that - maybe Hudson Content Marketing Co or something like that?

While I cannot provide a direct opinion on your business name choices, it's important to choose a name that reflects your brand identity and the services you offer. Both 'The Hardworking Creative' and 'Hudson Content Marketing Co' seem to convey different aspects of your freelancing business. Consider your target audience, the services you provide, and how you want to be perceived in the market when selecting a name. It's also a good idea to have multiple options, as your accountant suggested, in case one is not available. 1 š button 1 š button Explain this Answer button š @Esther Akinsola š @Jessie Wood Auto generated by Truffle AI. Results may need further verification.
In my experience, using your name in some capacity is the best approach. (I also use my last name.) Iād worry about something more general not aging well or getting coopted by someone else.

After today, please do make sure that your business name is unique. Putting your name in it does help with that. (Tl;dr, somebody didn't provide me their Facebook page and knowing they wouldn't answer in a timely manner I figured I'd find it myself, and there were like 60 companies in the same business using the same name or some variant thereof, don't be them)

I think The Hardworking Creative is a great name! I just registered my LLC this week and had to go through a similar thought process. I ended up picking something somewhat generic (still meaningful/on brand for me) so that I could move forward, because my accountant said I could change it later

I have plans to expand my business, so I chose a more broad name that still references what I do. I think both names are great! I think taking into account your long-term goals is one of the best ways to pick. If you plan to expand, you may not want something that has your name. But if not, you could go with Hudson. It's always hard to pick!

You may also be able to have one name for your corporation and a DBA (doing business as) with the name of your choice

Yeah I wouldn't worry about the legal/registered name as much since you can always have a DBA. I just registered my LLC this week and kept it simple (ABY Creative, since my name is Anna Burgess Yang). But my LinkedIn business page just uses my name, not the legal name, since my full name is unique enough that it's good for searchability.