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Hey all, I'm looking to change my current banking for my freelance business. I'm based in the U.S. with most clients based in the U.S. Any suggestions?

What's important to you when it comes to banking?
• Fancy app with the latest features?
• Local service?
• High APY?
I wrote a few months ago about business banking for solo consultants/freelancers.
Personally? I like community credit unions. Mine is ~10 minutes frm my front door and I can visit this. They get a gold star.
Looking for high APY?
is great (I'm getting I think 4.8%?)Beyond that:
• Mercury
• Charles Schwab
• Chase
Got the votes from experienced freelancers/solo consultants that I asked

Another vote for community credit unions. My local credit union doesn’t charge monthly fees for business accounts, so choosing them was a no-brainer for me.

is my go to. It’s free business banking and it’s got an insanely user-friendly interface. I had no luck with local banks or credit unions and business accounts… and this was easy to manage when we moved.

I use BlueVine for my business banking and I love it.