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Hello, what's the going rate for a ghostwritten print book of aprox 50,000w? If anyone can point me in the right direction I'd appreciate that!

It really depends on the experience level of the writer, but I've used Reedsy's data as a guideline in the past:

50k words?! Are you ghostwriting someone's autobiography? I know people write ebooks for businesses of ~7k words for $6-8,000. So I'd say at least $20,000

At 250-300 words a page (a good industry estimate) that's about 170-200 pages, depending on font, spacing, etc. I would suggest $25,000-$30,000 as a starting point depending on the subject matter, complexity, level of author involvement, etc.

@Mary Tindall that's very helpful! I quoted $28.8 all-in which I think is a discounted, fair rate!