For posting freelance opportunities. Plz post freelance gigs here → <https://airtable.com/shrnaj45n9yge6xOt> (If you want to post that you're looking for work, post in <#C02RGHQ4HK7|hire-me>)

Hello everyone, happy Friday!
I’m looking for copywriters that are experienced in corporate finance (specifically with tech/SaaS companies). Writing briefs like a madman over here, would love to assign more of them out!

lots of saas and tech experience... not so much with finance. but if that's flexible....hi! 👋

Unfortunately not this time around @sheena, but much luck finding some great new projects 🎆

no worries, @Simon Litt! good luck. 🙂

@Anna Burgess Yang is who you want to talk to

Hi Simon! These are my niches and I’d be happy to help. My email is
.You can view my portfolio
I am a great learner and I am fun to work with as well. Please let me know what you think.

Hey Simon. I spent 10 years in corporate finance in my previous career as a CPA. I can talk about all things tax, accounting, and finance. Feel free to send me a DM.

Hi @Simon Litt! Happy Friday 😊 I write for tech/SaaS, venture capital, fintech, banking as a service and a tax resolution firm. How do we apply?

@Lindsey Holzberger I’ll PM you!

@Simon Litt Have sent you a note with portfolio link... cheers Simon...

@Simon Litt - I see someone tagged me above! I spent 15 years in fintech as a product manager before pivoting to content. Would love to hear more - let me know if I can send you a DM!

@Simon Litt, I've experience writing for tech/SaaS companies in corporate finance field. One of these companies include Osome. If you're still looking for someone to help you out, I'd love to send you some samples. Thank you.