For posting freelance opportunities. Plz post freelance gigs here → <https://airtable.com/shrnaj45n9yge6xOt> (If you want to post that you're looking for work, post in <#C02RGHQ4HK7|hire-me>)

Hello everyone,
Are there any content writing agencies (mainly b2b saas) that are accepting beginner writers with somewhat experience?
I'm looking for opportunities and I would love to reach out to them!

There are a few options you can consider. You can check out the job board at
or apply to Static Media at 👈
I recommend applying to Scripted - they have lowish rates (7-10c per word) but they have a lot of work and it’s a great place to get some experience.

Textbroker is another option, though it is much worse paid (1-3c per word)

Scripted does not accept Indian Writers @Zulie Rane 🥲

Ah that sucks @Prachi Jha!! Sorry, I didn’t realize.

I'm sure there are lots of them.
Linkedln and cold-calling has worked for me.

I just want to say this: there are over 12,000 real humans on this group, active and always helping, we don't need a bot to generated automated answers disguised as career advices. Thanks.

I've no company to recommend, but when you do searches on LinkedIn and Twitter, add '1-2 years' to the search, as it'll usually surface those who're OK with a less experienced writer (and remember they'll probably be expecting a lower rate).

Also, you know Superpath has its own Jobs page?