For posting freelance opportunities. Plz post freelance gigs here → <https://airtable.com/shrnaj45n9yge6xOt> (If you want to post that you're looking for work, post in <#C02RGHQ4HK7|hire-me>)

Hello everybody, does anyone here have any experience with guest posting. I would love to know, how do you get ideas for guest posts? What's the process like? And any tips regarding guest post pitch getting accepted?
Thanks in advance!

I always flip it and see what the editor wants published.
As both a pitcher and editor, I'd much rather someone wrote something on my backlog, than have to work through a new idea, do research for something that wasn't on my original plan, then maybe or maybe not post it when I realise it's not right for my publication.
Outside of that, read website's guidelines thoroughly and only pitch if you have a very decent idea that fits for that site.

How do you know what the editor wants to be published? Do you need to ask them for backlogs? I'm a complete noob here @Dominic Kent

I mean literally ask them, "Are there any articles in your calendar that I could write as a guest post?"
And send your samples so they know your niche.

@Ankit Vora is brilliant at this

That's helpful. Thanks @Dominic Kent
But I'm not able to find those editors on LinkedIn. Where do I find them from?

Thanks @Stephanie Trovato! @Ankit Vora Guide me through, please.

Oh, so you're cold pitching? Definitely analyse what the guest guidelines are really asking for, and spend a good amount of time on their website to see what would fit and what has already been covered.
Also, +1 for Ankit. He's landed some nice guest posts!

Here are the guest guidelines for Mio:
You'll see I'm very specific in what I ask for.

G2 is also very thorough:
To the point where it's offputting. But that's kind of the point. They only want the best contributions.

Here's something I wrote a while back.
Hope it helps.