For posting freelance opportunities. Plz post freelance gigs here → <https://airtable.com/shrnaj45n9yge6xOt> (If you want to post that you're looking for work, post in <#C02RGHQ4HK7|hire-me>)

Does anyone use LinkedIn’s service request feature? I set it up last week and didn’t realize that you have to subscribe to premium (the $45/month plan?) to respond to people.
So far the three requests I’ve received are for services I don’t offer because the LinkedIn tags are fairly broad (I.e. ghostwriting anything when I’m only offering that for LinkedIn or SEO for a whole website when I only do blog posts). Do you think it’s worth it or nah? Thank you!

Following! I get strange requests almost every day.

I don't think it's worth it.

it's not worth it. i have a copywriting service setup. i only get messages from India who don't even bother read the listing and the rates.
Then they get pissy when they find out that I don't want to work for their incredibly low rate of $3 per hour.

Def not worth it, I used to get 10+ requests almost every other day, when I finally got a premium, there were no results visible.

Never got any work from that, but I’m pretty sure this is the wrong channel for this post

Those requests are usually fake. Not worth it.

I got 1 legitimate request that almost turned into real work when I first signed up for Premium a few months back. But since then it's all been nonsense.

Chiming in with another not worth it. I get weird requests all the time and, for me anyway, most come from India where I doubt they want to pay high US rates.

it's rife with spam. I actually had to figure out how to turn it off it was so bad

@Lindsey Tague How did you turn it off? I don't know what I clicked but all of a sudden I also receive these weird requests. Would love to go back to my normal LinkedIn email notifications.

@Koba Molenaar I don't have LinkedIn premium anymore so it's turned off by default.. If you have premium, I'm not too sure but it has to be somewhre in settings!

@Lindsey Tague Thanks!