let's see your pets!

Sarah Jane Burt
June 22, 2023 at 01:33 PM
Yesterday was National Dachshund Day, so I thought I'd share a glamour shot of my boys Franz (black and tan) and Ralphie (red). They are stubborn AF, but also love very hard. And I wouldn't have it any other way.
Did you know that a well-trained dachshund only behaves commands 50% of the time?

Melissa, The CPA Who Writes
June 22, 2023 at 02:21 PM
Lovely! My friend has a Chewweenie (Chihuahua/Dachshund cross) and that boy is stubborn AF. But he is the cutest boi!

Eric Doty (Superpath)
June 22, 2023 at 03:00 PM
Here's our old doxie boy

Sarah Jane Burt
June 22, 2023 at 03:46 PM
@Melissa, The CPA Who Writes I love him! My black and tan is mixed with chihuahua and doberman of all things.

Sarah Jane Burt
June 22, 2023 at 03:46 PM
@Eric Doty (Superpath) He's a sweet angel baby. My red boy is 6 and just starting to get a frosty snoot.