let's see your pets!

Went to a weinerfest in Austin a couple weeks ago. They tried to break the record for the biggest weenie dog meetup in the U.S. Not sure if they did or not but I think the number was around 700.
Anyways, got these tongues-out glamour shots of my boys Ralphie and Franz (who were hot af in the central Texas heat).

WIEEENEERRRRSSSS! I went to a Wienerpalooza in Calgary. One non-wiener dog came in and every single wiener barked at him

my favorite thing about Weiner dogs and corgis is how any mix just looks like them in a costume of the other dog

@Eric Doty (Superpath) - I do not understand why anyone would bring a non weenie or weenie adjacent dog to something like this. They are known to be mean to dogs that are bigger than them and some only like other weenie dogs.
One of mine promptly took a mouthful of fur from a doodle with no sense of personal space as soon as we entered the facility.

Sounds like pure wiener behavior

He's mixed with Doberman (not min-pin ) and chihuahua. He's really got a sparkling personality. 🙃

I need to find a weinerfest near me!