

Parthi Loganathan April 20, 2023 at 05:07 PM

What do you think SEO looks like next year? Specifically, there are two trends:
1. Google Bard/Bing intercepting SERPs more aggressively with AI-generated answers
2. Marginal cost of content creation has gone to zero. You can get pretty good rehashes of what’s already out there with AI (what content mills have been doing for years, but better). The only alpha from an SEO perspective seems like it will be from generating unique insights (which probably lasts months/days before being used to train new models that can rehash the same info)

Tom Critchlow April 20, 2023 at 05:11 PM

If I had the answers to this I'd be rich lol

Tom Critchlow April 20, 2023 at 05:13 PM

But more seriously - this is a BIG question and one every content business is wrestling with right now. My best guess:
1. Trust (and links) are going to be EVEN MORE important - in a world of AI you're going to need cited sources, reliable expertise and the feeling of security so double down on that
2. New kinds of content creation will emerge - i.e. it's not just having the AI write an article that ranks, but re-writing sections of the article every day to be hyper relevant

Tom Critchlow April 20, 2023 at 05:13 PM

But long story short - everything is gonna change. But no one knows exactly how yet

Brendan Hufford April 20, 2023 at 06:52 PM

Feels like literally only the SEO people are thinking that AI in search results is going to be a big thing.

If it’s wrong too much, Google loses users.

HUGE risk for them to insert it too early and costing them ad clicks.

Also, super expensive to run.

Tom Critchlow April 20, 2023 at 08:10 PM

I think this is looking at slightly backwards - yes Google changing their interface is one thing, but the supply side of all the websites using AI to write content is going to revolutionize the content space whether Google changes or not (which will force Google's hand to change)

Tom Critchlow April 20, 2023 at 08:10 PM

I'm not necessarily saying that Google is going to turn into a chat interface (though I'm not not saying that) but I do think things are going to change dramatically over the next ___time horizon