

Ronnie Higgins July 21, 2023 at 04:57 PM

👋 Hello content and marketing friends!

I'd like to introduce y'all to Off The Clock, a new talk show hosted by Kaleigh Moore, Allie Decker, and Krista Doyle — sponsored by Superpath!

Okay, before you roll your eyes and think not another marketing show!, hear me out: Off The Clock has one hard and fast rule: no shop talk 🚫. Why? Because we marketers spend all day in the weeds and quite frankly need to get our minds off of work.

So, what will your new BFFs talk about instead? Tune in to find out!

Ronnie Higgins July 21, 2023 at 04:59 PM

Thank you, @Jimmy Daly (Superpath) for supporting our audacious idea to do a show for marketers, by marketers, that has nothing to do with marketing.

Ronnie Higgins July 21, 2023 at 05:00 PM

Also, if you'd rather listen, look for Off The Clock on Spotify and Amazon. It'll also soon be on Apple Podcasts.

Brit McGinnis (editing, research) July 24, 2023 at 09:26 PM