

Ilija Jakovljevic March 09, 2024 at 01:29 PM

Recently, I’ve been running into this one scenario where I’d apply for a writing job, and the employer would often say that my CV is great and impressive, yet they aren’t willing to move on. I’m starting to think it has something to do with how I structured my CV. I also have a portfolio on Clear Voice. Any thoughts?
This is happening because lately, employers are searching for very niche writers, and I don’t want to go in that direction.
I’ve been mainly in the ecomm for years now but can write much more broadly.

Kevin Cyriac Tom March 10, 2024 at 12:42 PM

A ClearVoice portfolio isn't very user friendly for the content manager. I would recommend using other portfolio software like Journo Portfolio, clippings.me, etc.

You can also share the article links directly in your email or LinkedIn message (which is what I do).

Ilija Jakovljevic March 11, 2024 at 07:42 AM

Great insight @Kevin Cyriac Tom I will do that!

John Doherty March 11, 2024 at 04:08 PM

Why not specify that you work in specific niches, based on who is inquiring? Build up your portfolio and only show them the pieces relevant to that.

Ilija Jakovljevic March 13, 2024 at 07:41 AM

@John Doherty Seems to me like I’ll need to make a new portfolio every time I’m reaching out to someone new. I’m not saying I won’t do it if it is necessary, but do you think it can be too much?