
Question for anyone else running a linkedin company page… have you noticed an even steeper drop off in engagement/reach? It seemed to drop after the new year and it seems even lower now.

yes 100%. The only way we've boosted this is with people-driven (faces) in the posts that drive comments. Even then, the reach is far lower than it was in 2022. Working on some strategies to remedy this right now

I’ve noticed our posts with people do better as well. May I ask what type of strategies you are considering? I am a one-person marketing team and learning things as I go 😅

I would love to get executives and employees to post more, I’ve just had trouble getting that rolling

@Greg Lees definitely - we've had to teach a LOT on the "why" of linkedin before getting buy in. But providing a list of "social starters" has helped.
If you can't do that, going back to social strategy and including things like:

• monthly team member spotlight
• Throwback photos from events, talking about events in 2023 they're excited to attend
• Clips from webinars where you have a person presenting that can be tagged with insights
• partner spotlight or software spotlight (such as "we love using airtable, teamwork, and slack - what 3 tools power your team?)
• Sharing "quotes" from clients or customers
• screenshots of the team on zoom for some special announcement that you just all "met" about

Thank you for all this info!

+1 to engagement on brand pages being abysmal. (At my last company - just moved) We definitely saw more engagement on employee posts, but hard to get folks to regularly participate beyond copy/paste type programs. Otherwise, we were testing video clips pulled from webinars or "shows" and "TikTok" style short-form videos. Don't ask me what that means because I am not on TikTok 😂 but leaning heavily into video and short-form. And embracing the "zero click" content approach.