

Tammy Danan May 03, 2022 at 06:42 PM

Question about rates: I did a trial post for this B2B business and they paid my rate. We were both happy and decided to move forward. I was speaking to the founder this whole time and when we decided to make it a regular thing, she introduced me to the director of marketing, who is now my point person. However, during the talks (rates, number of blog posts per month) their offer went $200 down.

Is this a normal thing for trials to be paid higher than regular work? Because this is the first this has ever happened to me. Not sure if it’s a thing or what…

Sara Gates May 03, 2022 at 06:47 PM

In my experience, that’s abnormal. You could ask for more information about why the rate decreased (did your work not meet their expectations?) but also just hold firm to the original price. It’s likely the marketing director has a firmer grasp on their content budget than the founder, but that’s not your problem and you shouldn’t be expected to lower your rates in order to keep working with them. I’d try to negotiate back up to your original rates, which you quoted for a reason.

Tammy Danan May 03, 2022 at 06:52 PM

@Sara Gates I really needed this gig so I said yes. It really just feels weird that the founder was okay with my rate and now the director of marketing isn’t. She says it’s because she has a limited budget but she knows I was working directly with the founder on that first piece and she knows how much I got paid for it too.

Sara Gates May 03, 2022 at 06:54 PM

Totally get it! Hopefully you can revisit in a few months and get your rate back up…or use the work samples you’ll get from them to find more clients who pay you what you ask 😉 @Tammy Danan

Tammy Danan May 03, 2022 at 06:57 PM

@Sara Gates I hope so too!! Thanks so much, Sara! 🙂

Gabriel Onyango May 07, 2022 at 01:47 PM

The rate per article went down $200? Curious how much you charge?

Tammy Danan May 07, 2022 at 03:30 PM

@Gabriel Onyango the rate went from $500, which is my usual starting rate, to $300.

Gabriel Onyango May 07, 2022 at 09:18 PM

Sheesh! That's almost a 50% cut. I bet it feels weird to the after the cut😅. Anyway, answer to your question, I don't think this is typical.