

Brinda Gulati January 15, 2025 at 07:56 AM

Q: What would you charge for these deliverables for LinkedIn management? I'm looking to get a ballpark number for the new year.

-x12 posts/month
-x1 longforn blog

This, in addition to maintaining a content calendar, scheduling and posting, and reporting and analytics.


Nicole Silver January 15, 2025 at 02:36 PM

This can turn into a big job with content planning, team reviews, and the analytics etc. Good question. Where is the client and what's the currency?

Brinda Gulati January 15, 2025 at 02:38 PM

Very true. So:

  1. The client is a C-suite executive (personal branding for a person instead of a company page)
  2. Currency is USD
  3. Weekly meetings to brainstorm content

Nicole Silver January 15, 2025 at 02:48 PM

Okay, maybe one more question, is there a set word count?

Nicole Silver January 15, 2025 at 02:59 PM

For myself, I would price this a bit higher than normal given that there are weekly meetings, analytics, maintenance and full ownership of a calendar+ scheduling and posting. This is bound to turn into something with a lot of scope creep (you will be pinged a lot, there will be a lot of feedback, and they will likely want to have their hands in this quite a bit based on this type of personality (trust me, lol)

12 posts (assuming these are around 100-300 words which could take 30 mins each could be 4-6 hours) + 1 long form (which would be 500-2000 would take 1hr2hrs) (and assuming it's researched piece including an interview and transcription that would show up on Linkedin articles). This total would be probably 8 hrs of work minimum for writing during the month.

This doesn't include the other services, which might add an additional 4 hours a week for meetings, 1-2 for analytics, and 1-2 for scheduling.

You could charge based on your hourly rate for all of that, or price it out based on this breakdown of what you think is fair.

For myself, I might price this at 3-5k monthly with the assurance that I would put long form content on their website (if they have one) as well as Linkedin. Granted, I've got 10 years of experience and that's my rate and POV!

Brinda Gulati January 15, 2025 at 03:01 PM

Oh this is super helpful! And a perfect explanation, thank you!

I've had some clients quoting me less than $1k/month for this scope...which is...🥴

Nicole Silver January 15, 2025 at 03:01 PM

I would not do all this work for 1k/month. That's boning you hard

Brinda Gulati January 15, 2025 at 03:01 PM

OH YES. I needed someone to tell you this is bonkers. Because IT IS.

Nicole Silver January 15, 2025 at 03:02 PM

1k a month is fine for just the short form linkedin posts, no meetings, no scheudling no nothing. Maybe an additional longer form post, but nothing more than 800wc

Brinda Gulati January 15, 2025 at 03:02 PM

YEEEEEPPP exactly my thoughts!

Nicole Silver January 15, 2025 at 03:02 PM

if you market this as an in-house writer reminding the client you can be on call during working hours, i think this pricing is fair

Nicole Silver January 15, 2025 at 03:04 PM

For freelancers it's hard to ask for more bc on the client side we're thinking "I don't get access to this person, why should I pay the $$$" even if they are super talented. It takes a really really strong personal brand and network to lay down the law and charge big dollars for single pieces and projects.

Something worth working towards as well 🙂 hope this helps

Brinda Gulati January 15, 2025 at 03:04 PM

Very honestly, they just don't want to fork over a decent amount even if it means benefitting them, but oh well.

Nicole Silver January 15, 2025 at 03:06 PM

Yeah I get it. What also helps is showing the client they will be royally screwed without you and will pay anything to have you on their side/team. If you have examples of how this helped other clients, and their testionalis/a phone number to call as a reference this is powerful.

The only freelancer (granted this was for managing meta ads) I ever refer of speak highly of I do because they actually saved my team and helped us grow. Show them something like this in action, behaviour, and exmaples

Brinda Gulati January 15, 2025 at 03:07 PM

Oh, there's PROPER PROOF. Reports, leads, etc. But there's just a wanton disregard for content strategy which is something I can't solve for them in a week.

Nicole Silver January 15, 2025 at 03:07 PM

Also, maybe be mindful of your role here.... scope out if this is a nice to have or a necessity for the client. If it's just a lifestyle thing to have regular posting then you can maybe price it a bit lower. However, given the operationalizing they are requesting, I'm assuming it feel serious to them (plus it's their personal brand on the line) which opens up the door for a bit higher pricing

Brinda Gulati January 15, 2025 at 03:08 PM

They're basically going to shaft me if I go for anything less than $1.2k/month for BARE BONES. So, thank you for your perspective! ❤️

Nicole Silver January 15, 2025 at 03:09 PM

Yeah NP. A lot of this is marketing the unseen services: operationalizing, scaling, growing, and making their professional brand shine. Not just writing. Hope it goes well. DM me on the outcome! I'm curious

Brinda Gulati January 15, 2025 at 03:10 PM

I've laid it all out, made a calendar, actually made a content bank and everything. But at this point, it's just "eh, we'll give you a $100 extra" which is RIDICULOUS.

Brinda Gulati January 15, 2025 at 03:10 PM

I will absolutely DM you when they back with my new quote! I'm curious TOO LOL

Nicole Silver January 15, 2025 at 03:11 PM

They can pay you that and you can reduce your time/quality. Be wary of this and these types of clients though. They can harm your portfolio

Brinda Gulati January 15, 2025 at 03:12 PM

They're already eating into my time and there's been a lot of scope creep already. So, honestly unless they agree to the new price, I'm doing my business a massive disservice.

Nicole Silver January 15, 2025 at 03:12 PM

yeah. but if you need the $$$ hold on until you find a better client.

Brinda Gulati January 15, 2025 at 03:15 PM

I do have a couple of new leads! And they haven't been skittish about the pricing AT ALL. (Blogs, not LinkedIn.)

The client I'm talking about, I've been working with for almost 1.5 years and at every step they've pushed back on pricing, but I kinda let it go every time. Not now, though. New year, new me.

Carol J Alexander January 15, 2025 at 05:52 PM

I'm with Nicole on the pricing. And I wouldn't waste my time with low-ballers. They're stealing from you because while you're trying to convince them you are worth it, you could be landing a client who sees the value. People will negotiate up a few hundred, maybe, but never go 5x what they had in mind.

Mike Straus January 15, 2025 at 06:20 PM

For me, this scope of work would easily top $6,000/month. But I’m at a stage in my career where I can basically charge what I want.

Brinda Gulati January 15, 2025 at 08:33 PM

@Carol J Alexander You’re absolutely right. And this is one of those situations where I got myself into a sticky situation very early on so now it’s hard for them to see beyond that number and realize that the equation has become lopsided. I plan to drop them next month, frankly.

@Mike Straus You’re not wrong! While I’m not quite there yet, as I said, I’m being shafted on this one. My other clients are all a-okay paying good rates, but this one, WOOF.

Becky Lawlor January 16, 2025 at 02:26 AM

Late here, but this client has lots of red flags and unless you really need the work at whatever cost, I’d put together the number that feels not just fair but will keep you happy if they end up taking a lot of time/energy (which it sounds like they will). In my experience, the lower you price things and the cheaper the client is has a direct correlation to how much of a PITA they’ll be.

Brinda Gulati January 16, 2025 at 04:02 AM

The only reason I've endured this is because it's a connection through and through and through. But no more...