

Patrick August 07, 2024 at 05:03 PM

Is anyone in an industry that is obsessive with competitor research? Something where you're regularly checking on what they are doing and making changes? Be that content/ads or whatever

Yonit August 08, 2024 at 06:17 AM

I hear a GREAT podcast about how to approach competitor research and they included so many tips: 1. it being a repetitive project - every {insert time frame that makes sense business wise} with a checklist
2. dedicated slack channel for sales + cs + marketing to post about information they have about competition, from their interaction with prospects, customers, market feedback (respectively)
3. be smart about it to recognize trends (examples were Wayback Machine, reading press releases and shareholders reports)
4. for products with complex integrations, they recommended talking to different integrators for feedback about their experience with the competitors
5. emphasizing that features are not what makes a product and that it needs to be a holistic approach

Who's conducting them at your company? Marketing? Product marketing?

Rachel Lee August 08, 2024 at 09:03 AM

Definitely myself!

Patrick August 08, 2024 at 05:57 PM

Do you recall the podcast @Yonit? I love the idea of the dedicated slack channel. Have you implemented any of this?

@Rachel Lee What industry are you in? What do you do for competitor research?

Yonit August 08, 2024 at 06:12 PM

It was in Hebrew though Becoming a Product Manager by Ran Erez from Monday.com

We currently don't have the capacity to do it systematically, but we are implementing some of the tips, the ones that are easier to maintain. Like the Slack channel, once a month we come together for product ideas and that's often based on market trends, conversations with customers/prospects etc

Patrick August 09, 2024 at 03:06 PM

Oh that does make it harder for me. Like I guess I could learn Hebrew but not sure I could fast track Duolingo fast enough @Yonit 😆