
I have a crowdsourcing question! We offer a free trial of our app and are rewriting the emails that get sent out during the free trial. A stakeholder asked me to include our list of logos more often in the emails. My gut feeling is that people who have already signed up for the trial are past the point of being swayed by social proof. Thoughts/feelings/data?

assuming this B2B SaaS and the logos are other clients who use your product?


really depends on the product, I guess. In my experience I have focused free trial much more on getting the user to an activated state and to "ah-ha" as fast as possible

social proof can still help in free trial, but I don't think logos are the right play - maybe specific quotes from existing users.
i.e. "(Product) helped me scale my (example) efforts by 3X!"

focus on how the product of a featured helped them achieve an outcome/solve a problem

yeah or maybe like, "need ideas? Watch this video of how <client> uses our product"

yeah, many people don't know where to start in a free trial or how the product helps solve their problem. The more you can get them "building" or using the product early on, the better

doen't need to be a video, it could just be a quote at the bottom of an email

check out
for free trial email inspo
again, depends on the product and industry. If this is an enterprise product that costs in the 6 figures, seeing that your peers also use it is helpful

if it's a PLG SaaS product that costs $10-30/mo, I would say less-so

yeah it is not a big investment

Thank you!

Side note, I'm sure you saw the Really Good Emails
about their acquisition; it's one of my favorite things I've ever read.
Yeah I think we have that kind of social proof in the form of a case study later in our email sequence for free users