
Hi writers, any of you ever considered buying a Chromebook based on Chrome OS for your writing business?

I use a Chromebook. It’s nice and functional. They’ll be apps that you won’t be able to download and use. But it does everything I need it to.

@Brandon hey how do you manage non writing tasks and which are those tasks?

I did and within a year replaced THAT with another Lenovo. The Chromebook was painfully slow - at least the one I have. Now I consider it an emergency back up.

@Jen Phillips April Could you share the exact make and model number so I can check the specs and avoid them?

I’m not delineating tasks. I have a Lenovo Chromebook. You have to spend 300-500. Any application you can run in the chrome web browser works fine.

I've thought about getting a separate machine for writing to minimize distractions. Tossup between a Chromebook and a Macbook (if I could find a cheap used one).