
Hi all, what are some good platforms to make a great writing portfolio? Iām using Clear Voice, is that good or should I find a different one?Since I can just display my articles on it. Cheers.

I just used a WordPress site for mine. I've seen people like Authory, but haven't used it.

Authory is GREAT


and maybe one day soon, Superpath š

I previously used journoportfolio because it was free. Now I have a very basic website on Squarespace with some links. If I'm pitching, I usually just send the 2 most relevant links anyway. I tinkered with Authory but I admit I don't think I get it. I don't really want to list everything I've ever written on any topic. I mean, it's a lot - and only a fraction of it will be relevant to any given prospect. (Plus, some is old and embarrassing š ) Perhaps I need to revisit.

That's always been my exact stance too. Never liked the purpose built portfolio sites because they were too all inclusive

Thanks for the thoughts folks! Means a lot.