

Lee Densmer December 19, 2024 at 02:43 AM

Hey everyone! I have to do a blog audit for a company with 388 blog posts. 😭 Do any of you have an easy way to do this? I have an excel sheet with the URL and traffic data (like a report from GA). Like for any audit, I'd want to add columns, like for stage in funnel, content pillar, buyer, vertical and so on. Any ideas would be appreciated and I'm sure some of you struggle with massive audits like this also! Is there an AI you can feed a sheet like this into and it will actually look at the URLs and give an analysis?

Eric Doty (Superpath) December 19, 2024 at 04:43 AM

Fun! What's the main goal for the audit?

Linsey Knerl December 19, 2024 at 05:29 AM

Cool project, Lee! Yes, share what your hoping to find, and Im sure some of us have tool recommendations.

Rachel December 19, 2024 at 02:25 PM

I’ve done this before for companies with hundreds or thousands of blogs, it’s a beast.

In my case, I was doing an SEO audit so I was trying to decide what to cut, what to redirect where, what to update, etc., so I started with GA data to figure out what wasn’t getting any traffic / what wasn’t relevant at all, cut those.

Then I used ScreamingFrog to find 404s / redirect those. Then I used SEMRush (AHrefs is great too) to pull all kinds of other traffic / SEO data to decide what to do with the rest.

TL;DR: Don’t feel bound to that one excel sheet you have. You can pull URL + traffic + other data from a variety of tools and it’ll give you more to work with and then you can organize / export / etc. from there to create the audit you want! Also, using Airtable / automations and formulas in Excel / GDocs if you know how, can be really helpful and speed up some of the analysis!

Lee Densmer December 19, 2024 at 02:56 PM

@Eric Doty (Superpath) main goal of the audit is to see what we should keep, archive, and update, and determine what gaps we have where we need to create new content. With 388 blog posts I'm sure much of it is bloat, outdated, etc.

Lee Densmer December 19, 2024 at 02:58 PM

@Rachel you should sell content audit as a service. 😂

Rachel December 19, 2024 at 03:47 PM

@Lee Densmer I do, lol! 😂 Basically do exactly what you’re working on, haha, feel free to DM me if you wanna talk through it more or have more questions. ScreamingFrog & SEMRush / Ahrefs are gonna be your best friends to figure out what’s bloat and what could be awesome 🤝

Eric Doty (Superpath) December 19, 2024 at 05:37 PM

I've done a bunch of these too! I normally do:
• Keep
• Update (important topic, but not enough traffic)
• Combine (if there are overlapping posts with potential value to be one bigger post)
• Delete (irrelevant topic)
There are a few Superpath resources on this:

Erik Dietrich December 19, 2024 at 07:28 PM

We do this on an ongoing/realtime basis for probably something like 20-25 sites and growing. This requires a fair bit of automation (ETL tooling and a data warehouse for instance), but here's what I'd personally do in my toolset if a client asked me to do what you're doing.
1. Assuming it's valid, grab the sitemap(s), download the URLs/lastmods into a CSV and paste the results into an Airtable.

2. Have a multi-select field called "Attibutes" that you use to tag the URLs with data points and potentially actions (e.g. the action's in @Eric Doty (Superpath)’s list like "Keep", "Refresh", "Merge", etc.

3. You can also use this for tagging funnel stages, which is probably going to be an easier paradigm given that you might have URLs that blur the lines and tag them with more than 1 stage.
4. Create columns for data that you have in the spreadsheet, merge the results and paste the traffic figures into the Airtable base to help with your analysis.
Here's what this looks like on a demo/community site that I own